Explore wild beaches on horseback in Tayrona National Park

COLOMBIA // This could be the first time you've hired a horse to get to a campsite. Finding the ultimate beach - nestled in a curve of the Caribbean, between the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the coast - takes commitment. Once you've negotiated the jungle track, pitched your tent and strung up your hammock, it's time to chill with a book and a beer. Mind you, there's a sultry swathe of Caribbean coast to explore, across six sensational bays - Chengue, Gayraca, Cinto, Neguanje, Concha and Guachaquita. All have primo beachcombing and some are calm enough to snorkel. And there are rumours of archaeological remains in the jungle.maybe that book can wait.

How much does it cost to go to Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona?

Tayrona tickets: buy them directly at the entrance. Between 73,500 and 87,000 COP for a foreigner + 6,000 COP/DAY for insurance. Tayrona is one of 23 National Natural Parks in Colombia open to the public. Tayrona Beaches: There are various beautiful beaches in Tayrona National Park.

How do I get to Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona?

The easiest route from Taganga or Santa Marta to El Zino entrance is by road. El Zaíno is the main entrance to the park and most visitors come this way, which means it gets very crowded during the high season.

What is special about Tayrona National Park?

Clear blue and green waters, unique ecology and biodiversity, and accommodation options that allow direct contact with nature are among the features that make Tayrona National Park an ideal destination for nature and adventure lovers.

Is Tayrona National Park worth it?

One of the most pristine areas of the Caribbean coastline, it's surprising that life in the waters off Tayrona is as rich as life on land. Dive shops in Taganga and Santa Marta run daily trips into the park's waters, mainly at the western end where several reefs and shipwrecks lie beneath the waves.


Can you do Tayrona in a day?

It was also nice to stay nearby the night before visiting Tayrona National Park so I could be at the entrance gates when they opened. If you don't have time in your itinerary to stay overnight in or near Tayrona, you can do Tayrona as a day trip from Santa Marta.