See old masters and young wizards at Christ Church

ENGLAND // Albert Einstein, Lewis Carroll, Joshua Reynolds, John Locke and 13 British prime ministers all studied at Christ Church. A few of these famous names might be turning in their graves to know that this august institution is best known today as the setting for several scenes in the Harry Potter films. But if the academic gods didn't want this Oxford college to provide the backdrop for a fantasy saga perhaps they shouldn't have made it so picture perfect. Its honey- coloured stone is wonderfully pleasing on the eye, and neatly manicured Tom Quad, overlooked by imposing Tom Tower, is so large that Royalist soldiers used it as a cattle pen during the English Civil War. The Renaissance Great Hall (the inspiration for the Great Hall of Hogwarts) is simply magnificent, while its cathedral mixes Norman and Gothic features beneath a harmonious vaulted ceiling. Elsewhere, the Picture Gallery has works by Tintoretto, Michelangelo, da Vinci and Raphael, while Christ Church Meadow is a lovely green space, bordered by the Cherwell and the Thames and inhabited by a herd of longhorn cattle.