Worship spectacular paintings in the Museo del Prado

SPAIN // One of the heavyweight galleries of European art and the definitive word on groundbreaking painters of Spanish origin, the Prado is a Madrid institution that can stand without blushing alongside the Louvre, the Uffizi and other illustrious collections of old masters. Housed in a noble neoclassical building that first opened in 1819, the museum's beautifully curated galleries allow unparalleled opportunities to contemplate the genius of Velázquez, Zurbarán, Murillo and - highlight of highlights - Francisco de Goya, whose fascinating oeuvre oscillates between reclining nudes (La Maja Desnuda) and violent executions (Third of May, 1808). Once you're done surveying the Spanish canvases, there's plenty more artistry to admire - Tintoretto, Rubens, Caravaggio, Rembrandt - the galleries read like a giant coffee-table guide to golden-age art