Climb the Thames side marvel of St Paul's Cathedral

ENGLAND // St Paul's is a survivor. There's been a church here since Anglo-Saxon times, and Sir Christopher Wren's magnificent Baroque cathedral was built after the Great Fire at the end of the 17th century. Unscathed by Nazi bombs, it became a symbol of British resistance, standing tall among the smoke of the Blitz. Just wandering the soaring interior is an uplifting experience. Steps take you up to the Whispering Gallery where, if you speak close to the wall your words will carry the 32m (105ft) to the opposite side. Staircases of stone and iron bring you to the Golden Gallery, which has wonderful views of London. The crypt has hundreds of memorials to historic figures, including Wellington and Nelson. Wren's tomb bears a Latin inscription that simply and poignantly reads: "if you seek his memorial, look about you'