Observe sea turtles coming home in Parque Nacional Tortuguero

COSTA RICA // In this park spanning 11 types of habitat, coastal rainforest takes on the feel of Amazonian jungle - dripping with humidity, clamorous with squawks and squeals, and teeming with life. As your boat floats through lazy lagoons, you'll spot crocodiles sunning on logs, sloths hanging in trees, otters splashing, and howler monkeys making their presence known. And birds - hundreds and hundreds of birds. Then there's the main attraction: the turtles. Watch a massive mama sea turtle as she hauls herself onto her natal beach, laboriously digging out her nest and dropping in dozens of eggs. Then glimpse hatchlings scurrying to the sea. You can even sign up to help protect these endangered species, besides witnessing this cycle of life, playing out on a dark stretch of beach just as it has for millennia.

