Camp with reindeer herders on the shores of Khövsgöl Nuur

MONGOLIA // It's tough to nab the 'most beautiful' award in a country so rich in natural sites, but Khövsgöl Nuur is Mongolia's star. The country's largest lake, it's deeply sacred to Mongolians and packed with wilderness for visitors. Its northern shores butt up against the Russian border, and there is no question this is a Siberian lake: the water remains frozen for most of the year. During the summer thaw, you can kayak or go boating, and hike and ride horses around its shores, spotting argali sheep, ibex and maybe a wolverine. Added to the natural wonders here are a deep spirituality and the presence of resilient local cultures, including the Tsaatan reindeer herders, who live in small encampments and still practise traditional shamanism.