Tramp the untrammelled Inca Trail to Choquequirao

PERU // Imagine a Mach Picchu - meaning a spectacular Inca citadel perched on a mountain above Peru's jungle - without crowds. This is Choquequirao: a three- to four-day out-and-back hike from the already-remote outpost of Cachora, 60km (37 miles) and a world away from touristy Cuzco. Straddling a broccoli-green ridge at 3000m (9842ft), the ruins mark the refuge of Manca Inca, on the run after he tried to retake Cuzco from the Spanish. The truncated summit, a ceremonial plaza hewn out of the hill above the main complex, and a flight of terraces depicting llamas in stone are the highlights. Despite talk of a cable car to attract the masses, Choquequirao remains an out-of-the-way odyssey. Parts are still unexcavated and a rarely traipsed multi-day trek on from here to Machu Picchu is also possible.

