Soar over the mesmeric desert mystery of the Nazca Lines

PERU // One of the greatest, most widely discussed archaeological mysteries, the ancient Nazca Lines comprise more than 800 straight lines, 300 geometric figures, and 70 animal and plant drawings spread over 500 sq km (193 sq miles) of arid, rock-strewn plain in Peru's Pampa Colorada. Favourite figures include a monkey with an elaborately curled tail, a hummingbird, a bizarre owl-headed person often referred to as an astronaut because of its goldfish-bowl-shaped head, a 180m-long (590ft) lizard and a condor with a 130m (427ft) wingspan. Some say these mystical beasts look better in photos, but do witness this stunning spectacle with your own eyes. Gawking at these gargantuan geoglyphs is possible either from a viewing tower beside the Carretera Panamericana Sur, about 20km (12 miles) from Nazca, or by flying over them for optimum views. The sight is enhanced by the puzzling matter of how the Nazca Lines could have been created so long ago, given they can barely be discerned from ground level and only properly seen from the air. This has led to countless debates about their age and original purpose.