Beat the crowds at Chichén Itzá

MEXICO // In the world of over-trammelled tourist sites, Chichén Itzá falls into the 'busy, but worth it' category. Mexico's greatest Mayan ruins hail from the post-classic period of Mesomerican history and juxtapose grandiose pyramids with more mysterious astronomical phenomena, such as the ancient on-site observatory known as 'El Caracol'. Since being inscribed as one of the seven 'new' wonders of the world in 2001, tourism at Chichén has increased significantly, with busloads of visitors invading the site daily. But, arrive early in the day and blot out the crowds, and you'll quickly start to wrestle with that rising thrill of discovery. Chichén's muscular stone temples, great ball-court and broad, chunky platforms are the Gothic cathedrals of the Mayan lowlands - built to last.