Whoop it up at the races in Siena's Piazza del Campo

ITALY // Ringed by Gothic palazzi, the great red-brick piazza has  been Siena's social centre since the 12th century when the Council  of Nine devised its pie-piece paving, frescoed its Palazzo Pubblico  and constructed the 332-step Torre del Manga. From its heights,  you can look down on people picnicking on the warm paving stones  until it's time for the Palio, a spectacular bareback horse race dating  from the Middle Ages. On race days (2 July and 16 August) find a good  spot in the centre of the Campo and ride the wave of excitement,  as competing city contrade (districts) swirl round the course tossing  flags to banging drums. The race, when it comes, is a blur of hooves,  dust, vibrant jockey silks and uproarious cheers. It lasts just 90  seconds, but it is electrifying.