Scale Matterhorn, a one of a kind pyramid of a peak

SWITZERLAND // Rising dark and brooding like a shark's fin, the  4478m (14,692ft) Matterhorn has enthralled and infuriated hardcore  mountaineers since 1865. The minute you clap eyes on this whopping  great Toblerone of a peak, you'll become obsessed with capturing it on  camera…..or summiting it.  You'll need climbing experience and a guide to tackle its fearsome  walls of rock and ice. Otherwise, a trip to the glitzy alpine resort of  Zermatt is an easy way to get up close, either hiking or skiing in its  shadow. Visit the Matterhorn Museum for an insight into the 19th-  century mountaineers who pioneered the climb and the plucky souls  who didn't make it because of rope-breaking tragedy.