Take a scenic road trip along dramatic Karakoram Highway

PAKISTAN // Steeper, more jagged and more densely packed than its  Himalayan rival, northern Pakistan's Karakoram range gets our vote  for the world's most dramatic, with over 20 peaks scraping the clouds  over 7500m (24,600ft; including the world's second-highest peak, K2).  Cutting right through the heart of these mountains is the astonishing  KKH, an incredible feat of engineering that links the Pakistani capital  at Islamabad with the Uyghur city of Kashgar in China's far-western  Xinjiang region. The 1300km (800-mile) drive takes you through the  sublime valley of Hunza and the witch-hat peaks of Gulmit, then  over the 4714m (15,465ft) Khunjerab Pass to the Tajik fortress town  of Tashk.