Access the last of the ancient wonders at the Pyramids of Giza

EGYPT // Bah! The Pyramids just scrape into the Top 100? Khufu is probably spinning in his tomb. Well, the world's oldest tourist attraction and the only surviving member of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World has nothing to prove. Sitting on the edge of Cairo's sprawl, these three megalithic mausoleums for Old Kingdom Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, guarded by the lion-bodied Sphinx, comprise one of the most recognisable sights on the planet. We'll admit, plenty of other world-class sights make a better fist of explaining and showcasing the wonders on offer, plus the Giza Plateau is a mega-magnet for would-be guides and hawkers. But all that is forgotten once you clamber into the belly of the Great Pyramid and head down the claustrophobic shafts, enclosed by 2.3 million stone slabs, each placed by the ancient Egyptians' engineering ingenuity. Top 100 or not, the 4500-year-old Giza Pyramids will still be here when you and this list are gone. And crowds will still be flocking to see them.


What are the 3 Great Pyramids of Giza?

Along with the mysterious Sphinx and smaller tombs and monuments, Giza has three main pyramids: Khufu (originally 481 feet tall and sometimes called Khufus or the Great Pyramid); Khafra (471 feet); and Menkaure (213 feet).

Why is the Giza pyramid so famous?

The Pyramids of Giza are the largest and most recognizable pyramid structures in the world. They were built to honor some pharaohs from the fourth dynasty that ruled Egypt during a period called the Old Kingdom. The Old Kingdom was the first great period of Egyptian civilization and lasted from 2686 to 2181 BC.

Who built the Pyramids of Giza for?

The Giza pyramids were royal tombs built for three different pharaohs. The northernmost and oldest pyramid of this group was built for Khufu (Greek: Cheops), the second king of the Fourth Dynasty. It is called the Great Pyramid and is the largest of the three.

Why are there only 3 pyramids of Giza?

The three great pyramids in Giza were built for three generations of Egyptian kings: Khufu, his son Khafre, and his grandson Menkaure. There are also several smaller pyramids in Giza that were built for the wives and mothers of these kings.

What is inside a pyramid?

Inside the pyramid, Egyptians included valuable items such as gold, jewelry, and pottery and statues of the pharaoh, which they believed the pharaoh would take with him on his journey to the afterlife. Let's take a closer look at some of Egypt's most famous pyramids and the powerful leaders buried inside.