Explore the Valley of the Kings' burial chambers

EGYPT // Follow the footsteps of treasure-hunters and archaeologists to this valley where Tutankhamun and co. were buried with a booty of valuables to keep the good times rolling in the afterlife. The riches are now in short supply - shipped off to museums worldwide. What remains is the succession of 63 royal tombs. Descend into the warren of chambers, covered in lavish scenes of ancient scriptures, for a pharaonic history lesson like no other.

Why is the Valley of the Kings famous?

Used as a burial chamber for nearly 500 years from the 16th to the 11th century BC, the Valley of the Kings was used for the royal burial of kings, their families and their possessions. In 1979, it became a World Heritage Site, as well as the rest of the Tebe cemetery.

Where is the Valley of the Kings located today?

This is a valley located on the west bank of the Nile River, in front of Thebes (modern day Luxor) and in the heart of the Tebani cemetery. There are two main sections: the eastern valley, where most of the royal tombs are located; and the western valley known as the Monkey Valley

Which country has the Valley of the Kings?

Upper Egypt
Valley of the Kings, a long narrow defile west of the Nile in Upper Egypt. It was part of the ancient city of Thebes and was the burial place of almost all the kings (pharaohs) of the 18th, 19th and 20th dynasties (1075-1539 BC) from Thutmose I to Ramesses X.

Why were kings buried in the Valley of the Kings?

The tombs were built for pharaohs (kings) who ruled from 1500 to 1000 BC. At that time, the ancient Egyptians no longer used pyramids as tombs. They preferred a more secret burial place for their rulers.

Where is Cleopatra buried?

Alexandria, Egypt

The Tomb of Cleopatra and Antony is an undiscovered tomb of Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII from 30 BC, believed to be located near Alexandria, Egypt. According to historians Suetonius and Plutarch, the Roman leader Octavian allowed them to be buried together after defeating them.

Can we visit the Valley of the Kings?

For visitors to Egypt, you must come to Luxor and visit the Valley of the Kings. This valley is the tomb of ancient pharaohs. Your entrance ticket allows you to visit three of the eight tombs that are open to the public.