Rub your eyes in disbelief at bluer than blue Lake Louise

CANADA // Standing next to the serene, implausibly turquoise lake, with the smell of pine trees smacking your nose, the natural world feels tantalisingly close. Finely chiselled mountains surround you and hoist up a glistening glacier. They reflect in the mirror-like water, which is so ethereally coloured you begin to wonder if Mother Nature has gone 21st century and clicked on an Instagram filter. When you're finished gawping, trails climb to alpine teahouses that reward with cakes, hot chocolate and more vistas of a certain lake.


Why is the water blue in Lake Louise?

As glacial meltwater carries sediment, it creates a suspension in the water and scatters light, making it appear blue. A combination of glacial milk and the reflective properties of suspended rock flour particles cause lakes such as Lake Morin and Lake Louise to display stunning shades of blue. May 15, 2023

what months is Lake Louise Blue?

The reflection of light from the silt particles in the water gives it the famous turquoise color! Although this color has been seen as late as June, the best time to see Lake Louise in all its turquoise beauty is July through August. This photo was taken on August 12, May 2, 2017

What's so special about Lake Louise?

From the vivid turquoise waters to the towering peaks that surround the lake, Lake Louise is a stunning mountain location. Fellow adventurers soak in the beach scenery and bright red boats float on the icy waters. It's hard to resist dipping your hand in the water to see if it's really real.

Where is Blue lake in Canada?

Blue Lake Provincial Park is a park in Kenora County, Ontario, Canada, located 10 kilometers (6 mi) northwest of Vermillion Bay. Accessible via Ontario Highway 647.


Why is the Blue Lake so special?