Feel the thundering smoke at Victoria Falls

ZIMBABWE / ZAMBIA // Known in the local Sotho language as 'Mosi-oa-Tunya' (the smoke that thunders), Victoria Falls is where the Zambezi River becomes a roaring sheet of white as it plummets 108m (354ft) and explodes into foam. On the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia, the falls are set in a landscape of wonders: zigzagging basalt gorges, banks lined with wild date and ivory palms, stands of teak, islets topped with snarls of vine like Medusa's hair. Visitors come to see the water, yes, but also to spot wild megafauna like elephants, baboons, rhinos and hippos, and to catch adrenaline thrills with helicopter rides, bungee jumping and white-water rafting the bucking rapids of the lower falls. The brave (or foolhardy) soak in the 'Devil's Pool', where a natural rock wall forms an invisible underwater barrier between swimmers and the abyss. The 115-year-old Victoria Falls Bridge straddles the Second Gorge of the falls, linking Zambia and Zimbabwe in spectacular fashion. Today, visitors can peer over the edge as they walk over - or underneath! - the bridge.


What is so special about Victoria Falls?

The Mosi-oa-Tunya/Victoria Falls is the largest falling sheet of water in the world and due to its exceptional geological and geomorphological features and active geomorphological processes, it has extraordinary beauty attributed to the waterfalls such as sprays, mists and rainbows. be, it is noticeable all over the world.

In what country is Victoria Falls?

The falls are located to the west of Zimbabwe and to the east of Zambia and are easily accessible from either country via the town of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe or Livingston in Zambia.

Is Victoria Falls bigger than Niagara?

By comparison, Victoria Falls is the largest falling sheet of water in the world, almost twice the height of Niagara Falls and half a kilometer wide. In the wet season, the spray from Victoria Falls can be 400 meters above the falls and can be seen from a distance of 48 km.

Can you swim in Victoria Falls?

Victoria Falls is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Devil's Pool is adjacent to the famous Livingstone Island on the edge of Victoria Falls. Guests can enjoy an exhilarating swim to the edge of the falls during their visit to Livingston Island.

Do I need a visa to visit Victoria Falls?

Most foreigners require a visa to enter Zimbabwe, which can usually be issued at the border or on arrival. The cost depends on the nationality and length of stay. US citizens need a visa (category B), but you will be granted a visa at the port of entry (border post on the day of arrival).