Find more imperial grandeur than ever in the Forbidden City

CHINA // Beijing's imperial palace served as residence to Chinese emperors, and their hundreds of concubines, eunuchs and staff, for centuries. Despite its name, the Forbidden City welcomes 16 million visitors a year to its grand gates and halls and vast courtyards, which fit together in gradually smaller segments like matryoshka dolls. They comprise a huge museum of glorious imperial treasures, including the emperor's Dragon Throne and Buddhas bedecked with every gemstone imaginable.


Why is it called the Forbidden City?

They associated the abode of the emperor, which they saw as the axis of the earthly world, with the Pole Star (Ziyuan) - which they believed was the center of the heavens. Due to its centrality and limited access, this palace was called the Forbidden City.

Which city is Forbidden City?

Beijing is known as the "Forbidden City". It was registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987.

Can we visit Forbidden City?

Entry to the Forbidden City for tourists is only through the South Gate (Meridian Gate) - tickets and audio guides are sold in the square in front of this gate. The number of daily visitors is limited to 40,000. Since tickets are sold online, you'll need to get there very early if you want to purchase your ticket in person.

Why is forbidden city famous?

The Forbidden City was the political and religious center of China for more than 500 years. After its completion in 1420, the Forbidden City was home to 24 emperors, their families and servants during the Ming (1644-1368) and Qing (1911-1644) dynasties.

What is so special about the Forbidden City?

This palace is an example of the luxury of Chinese imperial residences and traditional Chinese palace architecture, and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere. This building has been registered by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world.