Rub your eyes in disbelief at bluer than blue Lake Louise

CANADA // Standing next to the serene, implausibly turquoise lake, with the smell of pine trees smacking your nose, the natural world feels tantalisingly close. Finely chiselled mountains surround you and hoist up a glistening glacier. They reflect in the mirror-like water, which is so ethereally coloured you begin to wonder if Mother Nature has gone 21st century and clicked on an Instagram filter. When you're finished gawping, trails climb to alpine teahouses that reward with cakes, hot chocolate and more vistas of a certain lake.


Why is Lake Louise blue?

The blue/emerald/turquoise color of the water (depending on which glacial lake it is) is from "rock flour" suspended in the water and causing light to refract. (Rock flour is very fine rock dust that has been ground by natural glaciers.)

What months is Lake Louise Blue?

Yes, you can swim in Lake Louise! There isn't really a designated beach or swimming area, but if you want, you can go for a swim! Keep in mind this is a frozen lake so... the water is very cold.

What's so special about Lake Louise?

The amazing turquoise color of Lake Louise comes from the glacial melt water that feeds the lake every spring. This melted water is rich in glacier salt or stone flour, which is created by water erosion of rocks on the way to the lake.

Why can't you swim in Lake Louise?

Yes, you can swim in Lake Louise! There isn't really a designated beach or swimming area, but if you want, you can go for a swim! Keep in mind this is a frozen lake so... the water is very cold.

Why is Alberta water so blue?

The blue/emerald/turquoise color of the water (depending on which glacial lake it is) is from "rock flour" suspended in the water and causing light to refract. (Rock flour is very fine rock dust that has been ground by natural glaciers.)