Visit the king of all palaces at Granada's Alhambra

SPAIN // Poetry turned to stone; a love-note to Moorish architecture; an opulent recreation of heaven on earth. Choose your metaphor. Usurping India's Taj Mahal and Turkey's Aya Sofa in palatial grandeur, Granada's Alhambra is part palace, part fort, part manicured gardens and part walled refuge from erstwhile Reconquista armies. Still one of Europe's headline acts 700 years after it was built, the red- hued citadel marks what is, arguably, the finest manifestation of architecture to grace the continent since the Romans. The hybridised but harmonious cluster of buildings is crowned by a rich Moorish palace complex conceived by Granada's foppish Nasrid emirs in the 14th century. Embellished with geometric tiles, intricate stucco, placid pools and trickling fountains, no one has come close to emulating their stunning vision since.


Why is Alhambra so famous?

It was inscribed on the World Heritage list in 1984 due to its universal beauty and exceptional expression of Moorish and Andalusian culture as well as for its ability to convey the history of the changes to the region over time through its architecture and decorative campaigns.


Was Alhambra a mosque?

The last ruler also built Al-Hamra Mosque and public baths. Many of the famous structures of the Al-Hamra complex that are known today were built by Yusuf I and Muhammad V. These buildings include the Patio of the Lions, the Gate of Justice, the Baths, the Comares Room and the Boat Hall.


What is Granada famous for?

Granada is best known for the world-class Alhambra, a magnificent hilltop fortress of ornate palaces (Palacios Nazaríes), fortified fortifications (Alcazaba) and beautiful gardens (Generalife).


what is 1 main tourist attraction in Granada?

Alhambra Alhambra is the crown jewel of Granada. Perched atop a hill in the center of the city, this UNESCO World Heritage Site dominates the skyline. Alhambra is not only the biggest tourist attraction in Granada and Andalusia, but also one of the most visited places in all of Spain.