Glide above the kaleidoscopic wonderland of the Great Barrier Reef

AUSTRALIA // The sad truth is this: the Great Barrier Reef is not what it was. Rising sea temperatures have damaged much of the coral in recent years, bleaching its kaleidoscope of colours to a dead-bone white. But don't write off the reef. Its 2300km (1400-mile) structure is still one of the planet's great marvels, home to some 600 kinds of coral and 1500 species of fish, as well as 30 types of whales, dolphins and porpoises and six species of sea turtles. Diving or snorkelling an undamaged stretch means floating above a wonderland of purple sea fans, tangerine-coloured finger coral, and chubby blue sea stars. Hear the 'crack crack' of Hawksbill turtles using their beaks to pry sponges from the coral. Spot clownfish as sweet as Nemo, watch manta rays flap past and maybe - if you're very lucky - catch a slow-moving dugong. The bleached sections of reef could recover in a decade-but only if we throw everything we've got into halting climate change.


Why is the Great Barrier Reef so famous?

The Great Barrier Reef is unique because it spans more than 14 degrees of latitude, from shallow estuarine areas to deep ocean waters. Within this vast expanse is a unique range of ecological communities, habitats and species, all of which make the reef one of the most complex natural ecosystems in the world.

What is the Great Barrier Reef and why is it important?

The Great Barrier Reef is a place of remarkable beauty and diversity on the northeast coast of Australia. This collection includes the largest collection of coral reefs in the world with 400 types of corals, 1500 types of fish and 4000 types of molluscs.

Where exactly is the Great Barrier Reef located?

Located on the northeast coast of Australia, this natural wonder stretches over 2,300 kilometers along the Queensland state coastline, starting at the tip of the Cape York Peninsula in the north and continuing to Bundaberg, where we leave our tours. we do.

Why is it called the Great Barrier Reef?

This reef is home to various species, about 8% of the different fish species in the whole world are found there. Because of its large size and bordering the coast (which makes it a large barrier reef), it is called the Great Coral Rock.