AliSadr Cave the most important attraction in hamedan

Hamadan province is one of the amazing provinces in Iran and has many natural attractions. Ali-Sadr Cave is the most important attraction in this province and thousands of people visit it every year. The fame of this cave is worldwide and even tourists from far countries travel to Iran to enjoy the water path inside this cave. If you have heard about this cave, read this article to the end.


Visiting Ali Sadr Cave

How to travel to this cave?

The first thing to do before traveling to Ali-Sadr Cave is to determine the best access route. This cave is 75 km away from Hamedan city and you will reach Ali Sadr village about an hour later. This cave is located in the mountain next to the village. The first route to travel to the cave is from Hamedan, Laljin, Bijar and finally Alisadr village.

The second route, which is considered the main route, passes through the city of Hamadan and Kabudar Ahang. You will reach Nojeh after Kobodar Ahang and after traveling a path you will reach Ali Sadr village. The third way to travel to this cave is from Saleh Abad city.

Investigation of the historical background of the cave

So far, many geologists have researched the rocks of this cave. They believe that this area dates back to the Jurassic period. Many waterways flow towards this cave and have caused a very deep lake to be created inside it. The depth of the lake is so great that you can only visit the inside of the cave by boat.

Many corridors have been discovered in Ali-Sadr Cave, so that the length of all known parts reaches 11 kilometers, but only 3 kilometers can be visited by ordinary people and tourists, and the rest of the route can only be traveled by professionals with special equipment.


Boating in the lakes inside the cave

The natives of Alisadr village knew this cave decades ago and used it as a dam to collect water for use in summer. It is interesting to know that about a hundred years ago, the accumulation of water in the cave had increased to such an extent that people could access water from the entrance of the cave.

In fact, due to the increase in the volume of water, the height had risen to the level of the entrance. Experts have estimated this height to be about 2.2 meters. At that time, it was not possible to visit the inside of the Alisadr cave due to the huge amount of water inside it.

But in 1957, a very strong earthquake happened in that area and caused a big crack in the bottom of the cave. This issue eventually caused the water level to drop within 6 years and the water level in the cave to reach its normal level. Since then, climbers were able to go inside the cave and discover its attractions.

How did the cave become a tourist attraction?

The first professional excavation of the cave took place on September 27, 1963. A group of 14 climbers from Hamadan province moved on the lake with special equipment to cross the water. They realized that there were many large areas in the cave and they were able to measure the depth and height of its different parts. After returning from visiting the cave, they published the news that there is a wonderful cave in this village.




Spectacular cave walls

but until about ten years later, no action was taken to restore the entrance of the cave and turn it into a tourist attraction! Finally, in April 1974, the head of Hamadan province mountaineers group named Abdullah Hajilo, with the help of people and mountaineers, was able to build a large entrance of 5 meters wide and 3 meters high for Ali-Sadr Cave.

In the following year, he concreted part of the cave path so that visitors could walk part of the way. In the next step, a number of boats entered the lake and lighting was done to see the wonders inside the cave.

At that time, the cave became so famous that it encouraged Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to visit the cave. After that, measures were taken, including road construction and electricity supply to the villages around the cave, and a tourist hotel was supposed to be built next to the cave

Tips that you should know before traveling to the cave

Ali-Sadr Cave is one of the most important water caves in the world and has the longest water route for boating. This cave is known as a living cave because probably in the future some parts of it may undergo new changes.

There is an interesting issue about the cave, which is that although the cave continues underground, no poisonous gas has been released in its air, and its air is suitable for human breathing. The depth of the cave lakes varies in different parts and reaches 14 meters in the deepest part. In the biggest hall of the cave, the height from the bottom of the lake to the ceiling has been measured at 55 meters.

Fascinating lighting in the cave

The water of the lake is clear, but because there are many minerals dissolved in it, no living thing can live in it.For the boat, you must wear a life jacket and follow the instructions of the cave guide. In the cave, there are sculptures made of minerals that look like eagle claws, lion, columns, gates, etc.

Every year, about one million people visit Ali-Sadr Cave, and this has made this cave a tourism destination in Hamadan province. The best time to travel to this place is spring and summer when the temperature of the cave is cool and the paths are free. In autumn and winter, due to snow and rain, this cave may be closed for a while or it may be difficult to access.


One of the most important water caves in the world is located in Hamadan province and every year many visitors travel to Ali Sadr village to see its wonders. Ali-Sadr Cave is one of Iran's national natural heritages and was created in the mountain over time. There is a lot of water accumulated in this cave and people can visit it with the help of a boat.