Sa'd al-Saltaneh Caravanserai

saraye saad_o_saltaneh

The Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai that we are talking about is located in Qazvin and has also been registered as a national monument of Iran back in the year 1377. Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai is huge and it has an area of something around 26,000 square meters and initially, it was used as a commercial caravanserai.

Today as years passed it is nothing but a huge urban caravanserai located in Qazvin and has many cafes, restaurants and even handicraft shops that welcome all to it. This means that while you are there visiting the historical Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai you can also enjoy yourself in these places to add more fun and flavor to your trip.

Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai is located on Imam Khomeini Street in Qazvin and you can find it easily there but if you think you need guidance and help feel free to ask the natives as they will be pleased to help you with the address. While you are in Qazvin you will initially enter Vali Asr Square then you can take a taxi and go towards your destination which is the Caravanserai. 

Let us throw some light on the history of this great Caravanserai and know additional details about it that will help us in knowing the place better. 


Details About the Saad Al Sultaneh Caravanserai

Before visiting any historical site, we try to find a bit more about it by reading about it. In this case, reading the history of the Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai will be beneficial.

As Muhammad Baqir Khan Saad al Sultaneh Isfahani was the ruler of Qazvin during that era and it was almost the end of the Naser al-Din Shah Qatar keeping in mind the economy of the country and its good relations with Russia and Turkey the ruler ordered this Caravanserai to be constructed. It had 400 rooms and was almost about 2.7 hectares. 

Later the Caravanserai became the centre of trade and commerce and was important. 

While you are there, try looking at and analyzing the architecture of the Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai. It is unique and amazing and is considered to be one of the most mesmerizing works that we have to date from the Qajar era.

If you pay more attention to the building you will see that the building of the Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai is quadrangular in its shape and has four porches that are visible to the eyes of the viewer from its four sides.

When you look at the attractive dome-shaped walls of the Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai, here you will be able to see boundless beauty, history and even art. The Caravanserai is more than a building and it is a masterful restoration.

The Caravanserai has different parts that have their unique attraction as well as beauty such as the yards, the entrance of the Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai, its four squares and even the Garambah Razavi which is also registered under the national monuments of Iran back in the year 2004 and holds the 12617 registration number. So this means it is a worthy place to go and pay a visit to. Don't you think so? 


Are There Any Other Sights in The Area of the Saad Al Sultaneh Caravanserai?


Apart from enjoying the beauty of the Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai, you can also pay a visit to its stores, cafes and even restaurants along with the museum of the Shahnameh that is located in the same vicinity.

In stores, you will be able to see beautiful stalls that are decorated along with beautiful wooden frames and they sell the hard work of the natives there such as handicrafts, artworks, carpets, jajim and even carving. This is going to be an interesting place for you to enjoy your trip. 

Getting back to the Museum of the Shahnameh we have to say that it is an attractive site where you will be able to ere all artworks made from clay that have a deep meaning and myth behind it. The museum is also considered to be Reza Ezi Mohammadi's special pottery museum. 

Apart from all these, you can visit the Qazvin market, Chehel Sotun Palace as well as the Masjid al-Nabi. So this means that you have a lot of places to visit and ample of memories to make while you are here. So make sure to take your time and visit every part of the Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai and discover the details. 


Are There Any Tips for Visiting the Saad Al Sultaneh Caravanserai? 


Yes, while you are visiting the Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai, you should know that you are visiting a Caravanserai that belongs to the Qajar era. 

It would be kind if you shopped from the local shops there as it will help their economy and will act as a great encouragement to them. 

You can visit the site from 8 am to 9 pm and if you are lucky you will also be able to see their cultural events like the Nowruz singing or the Khat exhibition that take place here.

To be able to visit an old Caravanserai today that has nested buildings is bliss. The building of the Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai is decorated well and all the parts of the market pass each other well. Having many entrances as well as yards, numerous cells along with vestibules the Caravanserai welcomes all to it.

Meanwhile, if you think you would like to know more about Iran and its visiting sites then make sure you visit the official website of and read the contents regarding different worthy sites of Iran that you can pay a visit to, and never regret doing so. Iran is a mighty, and huge country that has a deep and interesting history which grabs the attention of the world to it. 

Hurry and plan your trip to Saad al Sultaneh Caravanserai, and you will discover even a lot more by yourself about the site as well as Iran in general.