The Mesmerizing Zandiyeh Collection in Shiraz

The Mesmerizing Zandiyeh Collection in Shiraz


Words are not enough to explain how beautiful the Zandiyeh collection in Shiraz is. You will be surprised by its beauty and glam only if you visit the site and see it from close. This is a unique collection that has amazed the world with its beauty and has been able to show the true culture and heritage of the region.

Shiraz on the other hand where the Zandiyeh collection is located is a land of poetry and love.

It is also a historical city that has many secrets of Sarbe Mehr, which is another city that connects well with our history. You should know from where did Shiraz restore its sanity and restoration. We have to say that it did so from the holy shrine of Ahmad Ibn Musa, and the fame of Khwaja Hafez as well as Sheikh Saadi.

Today the Zandiyeh collection of Shiraz is considered to be a very worthy and valuable work that we can visit date and get amazed by its beauty. It holds historic, cultural as well as moral values. So let him read about this great Zandiyeh collection in detail to understand better. 

Zandiyeh Collection in Details

Do you know what collections we are talking about? You should know that in the Zandiyeh collection, there are many sites that have their unique importance as well. We will get into details regarding each one of them so while you are here make sure you visit all the sites and see what the history of Iran looks like. 

The Vakil Mosque

The first site in the Zandiyeh collection that you will have to visit is the Vakil mosque. The mosque is close to the Vakil market as well as the traditional Vakil bath. These buildings do hold their importance when it comes to history, art as well as architecture.

The mosque was created by the order of Karim Khan Zand. The mosque has two porches and on the northern side of the mosque, there is an important arch, that has been created and is known as a pearl arch. This is a beautiful mosque that should be visited at least once so make sure you go, and visit the site while you are in Shiraz. 

The Vakil Bath 

This is the second site in the Zandiyeh collection that should be visited. If you really desire to know what previously Iranian bath houses looked like, then you should visit this site for sure. You will find this Vakil bath located in the middle of Shiraz City, close to the Vakil market.

Here in Vakil bath, you will be able to see a regular octagon that has eight solid stones that are placed in the centre of the domed roof. The Vakil bath has been registered under the national monuments of Iran and holds a 917 registration number. 

Karimkhani Building in Shiraz 

The Karim Khan Zand or better known as Vakil started creating many buildings in Shiraz and they were known as Vakil buildings. Unfortunately, Agha Mohammad Khan destroyed the majority of them as a result of enmity and today we can see only a few of them. The Vakil buildings do have their unique characteristics. They are simple but very strong.

Each Vakil building is known to be high, has integrated columns and at times they were spiral. In winter different materials have been used on the buildings which are known to be the best materials. There are many worthy sites in the Zandiyeh collection, so make sure you take your time while you are there and enjoy your trip accordingly.

Importance of Zandiyeh Collection

You should know that the Zandiyeh collection was initially used by the governments as their seat along with the residence of the local governors. This is one of the reasons behind its importance.

The citadel building of the Zandiyeh collection has a set I'd residential as well as military architecture. When you look at the inner part of the citadel you will see that it has a unique elegance along with beautiful painted porches, gardens and last but not least fountains. 

You may be curious to know from where does the complex receive water? To answer your question, we have to say that it gets it from the aqueduct of the Rokn Abad and in terms of mineral salts this water supply is one of the best.

When we say Zandiyeh collection as we mentioned some of them above we in fact visit one place that holds many sites in it. Zandiyeh collection has sites such as the Kharim Khan citadel, Bazaar, mosque, the Topkhaneh square, Vakil water tank along with the Moshir palace and the ones we mentioned above earlier.

It is a blessing to be able to visit a site that was created back in around 1766 to 1767 AD and still welcomes all to it.

Shiraz is a heaven on earth. It is a place where every corner of the city has amazing sites worth visiting. The biggest example is the Zandiyeh collection. You will be able to see traditional houses, architecture and even rich culture in Shiraz.

You can enjoy the markets or better known as the bazaars while you are there and even take souvenirs for your loved ones’ back home. Make sure you do not travel to Shiraz in hot summers as it can be really scorching. You can add more fun and flavor to your trip while you travel to Shiraz in the cooler months such as the beginning of April. 

Make sure you visit every part of Shiraz apart from the Zandiyeh collection such as Persepolis, Takhte Jamshid and others for sure.

There are plenty of such sites in Iran where you can enjoy your travel and add fun to your life. Go ahead and pay a visit to the official website of and you can plan your future trips accordingly in the land of history, art and culture. No matter where on earth you are from, Iran welcomes all with its arms open.