The Mesmerizing Gahar Lake

The Mesmerizing Gahar Lake

Gahar Lake is another worthy site in Iran that has grabbed the attention of the world to it. It is considered to be an amazing large freshwater lake in Iran as well as a mesmerizing site where you can visit and see gorgeous Lorestan as well. 

Mountain climbing, hiking or even climbing the peaks are one of the fun activities that you can enjoy doing while you are here in Gahar Lake. 

It is a famous lake which is also known to be the jewel of Ashtrankoh as well as Zagros which is untouched and still has its pristine view. There are strong willow trees that add more to the beauty of the Gahar lake and give it a spectacular look mainly in the spring and autumn.

This is why tourists are interested in this lake a lot and they tend to love the site even more as they visit. It is like a thirst that cannot be quenched until and unless you visit the site. So let us read more about Gahar Lake and understand more about this great site. 

Gahar Lake

This is a spectacular lake which is mainly a sandy beach that lies on the Western as well as the eastern sides of the beach. The lake has a single extraordinary view which is its dense forest.

The forest has given the view a magnificent flavor, especially in its lower parts. There is a brilliant valley which is known as Ni Gah Valley which you can find near the Gahar lake itself. The valley is covered with anemones along with tulips that give the valley a unique look altogether. 

It is very easy to discover Gahar Lake. All you need to do is see some authentic documents that belong to this region and you will know about A- Rodler. He was known to be the first person who went to Gahar Lake and discovered the lake back in the year 1888. You will be surprised to know that even the oldest picture taken from the lake was done back in the year 1891 by J. Dumorgan.

To know about the depth of the Gahar lake we have to say that it is made of two parts which are the Great Lake and the small lake. Focusing on the depth of the lake we have to add that it is something around 4 to 28 meters and around 400 to 800 meters wide. On the other hand, the lake is 1,800 meters long. 

Where Is This Mesmerizing Gahar Lake? 

This is the next question asked by the tourists who heard about the lake have seen the pictures of it and desire to visit it. 

Well, you will find the Gahar Lake which is a protected area in the Southeastern part of Durud in the beautiful province of Lorestan. It is like an evergreen tree, always beautiful and eye-catching.

The permanent lake on the other hand is located on the Western part of Ashtrankoh and the distance between Khorramabad to Gahar is something around 120 km. From Aligodars, if you desire to travel to Gahar Lake then it is only 40 minutes walking distance. So now that you know the routes you will be able to understand from which route to visit Gahar Lake easier. 

Recreational Activities in Gahar Lake

You can enjoy the beauty of the lake and after that, you can proceed with the fun part of the trip which is fishing and going to the recreational parts for other fun activities.

You can enjoy yourself riding a boat with the inflatable boats which is one of the favorite activities of the tourists there. Make sure you have the right equipment for this fun activity while you are planning to go boating. 

Another activity which is done by all is photography. From oak to pistachio to even figs and other vegetation, you can see and click pictures from nature. 

If you are a fan of mountaineering, then Gahar Lake can be your favorite site as well. Gahar Lake with its recreation allows all to enjoy doing the things they love. So this adds more fun and excitement to your trip while you are there. Isn't it? 

When Is the Best Time to Visit Gahar Lake? 

Gahar is beautiful throughout the year but still, there are people who love to visit it at its best. In this case, we have to say that the best time to visit Gahar Lake is late spring right up to mid-summer. There are cold nights, as well as cold weather, which seriously dominates the weather there in winter.

Summer is a good time as well but it gets crowded which you may or may not like about the lake. In winter there is snowfall so if you are not a fan of winter then make sure you do not visit in winter.

Where to Stay While in Gahar Lake? 

This may be the concern of many. So read this part carefully. You should know that it is not easy to access the lake and you will need to walk for hours. If you are thinking to stay overnight, then we have to say that you need to camp here.

The western part of the lake is considered to be more comfortable for camping. There are wild animals such as bears around the lake that look for food. Make sure to carry enough provisions with you as there is a lack of facilities.

Some Environmental Recommendations

According to the recommendations, it is advised not to pick any flowers or cut trees while you are there enjoying the beauty of nature. 

Do not randomly go for fishing, you will require a fishing license for it. Make sure you tell your friends and loved one’s back home about the beauty of Gahar Lake. You can also visit the official website of and find more fascinating sites in Iran where you can visit like Gahar Lake and enjoy your vacation. 

We hope you will love Gahar Lake and you will travel here again.