Zrebar Lake

Zaribar Lake, also known as Zarivar Lake, is a paradise in the heart of the western mountains of Iran. By creating a unique ecosystem in the west of Iran, this lake has become a place for people to have fun and a shelter for animals and birds. In this article, we want to write the necessary information that you should know before traveling to this lake.

A beautiful lake in the west of Iran

The route to this lake

You must travel to Kurdistan province to visit this beautiful lake. If you move about 3 kilometers from the west side of Marivan city, you can reach Zaribar lake. The route from Tehran also passes through Saveh highway. Then you have to enter Hamadan-Sanandaj highway and reach the lake from Marivan city. It is about 620 kilometers from Tehran to this lake.

Geographical conditions of Zaribar

This beautiful lake is the only lake with fresh water in the west of Iran. The distance of this place from the city of Sanandaj is 125 km and it is located in its northwest. What distinguishes Zaribar lake from other lakes is the way of its water supply. Usually, most lakes are filled with water by permanent rivers.

 But we have to say about this lake that its water is supplied by snow and rain, its bottom springs and seasonal rivers.These things have made the water of the lake very clear. Many tourism experts consider this lake to be the most important natural tourist attraction in western Iran.

 There are huge and green mountains around the lake, which creates a spectacular view for the visitors. This lake is about 5 km long and 1.6 km wide.The depth of the lake varies between 2 and 5.5 meters.

 Another interesting point about Zaribar Lake is that many animals and birds live near it and hunt their food through it. The diversity of plants and animals around the lake is very high, and even migratory birds stay there for a while. All these things have caused this lake to be registered as an international wetland.

Boating in the big lake of Zaribar

Watching birds by the lake

As we said in the previous section, this lake is home to many examples of birds. You can see rare examples of birds by traveling to this area. The most important birds of the lake are Common Pochard, Botaurus stellaris, Eurasian Coot, Barn Swallow, Gull, Gray Heron, and stork.

There are also birds of prey in this range, such as Western Marsh-Harrier and Kestrel. Watching these birds on quiet days around the lake is an unforgettable experience

Background of the name of the lake

There are different opinions about the reason for naming this lake. The first opinion is that the word Zaribar or Zarivar is composed of two parts Zari or even Zaria meaning sea and the suffix Bar or Var. The combination of these two parts will mean lake in the local language.

 The second opinion is that the sea is expressed in the ancient dialects of this region in forms such as Zaryah and Darayah. Var suffix also means lake in the ancient Pahlavi language. For this reason, many experts think that the name of Zaribar lake is composed of a combination of words that mean sea with a series of suffixes and has evolved over time and is now pronounced as Zaribar.

Very diverse vegetation around the lake

Vegetation around the lake

One of the points that has attracted the attention of environmental experts is the great variety of vegetation around the lake. According to experts, Zaribar Wetland is a unique ecological area and has caused plant and animal diversity in Kurdistan province. This wonder is so important that Zaribar Lake has been introduced as a lake with a special ecosystem in the world.

The land around the lake is covered with forests and thickets. The most types of trees that can be seen in the forests are oak, pear and almond trees. These trees have grown in the sloping land on both sides of the valley where the lake is located. Various plants have grown on the surface of the lake, among which we can mention ceratophyllum and ceriophyllum.

Tourism around the lake

Many birds live in this lake that you can travel to Kurdistan to visit them in spring and summer. 14 types of native birds and 16 types of migratory birds build nests next to Zaribar lake every year. These birds are all valuable species and many efforts are made to preserve their survival.

One of the interesting points about this lake is the legends that have been told about it since long ago. For example, there is a legendary story that says there is a great treasure under the water of the lake.

Storks and the lake

One of the attractions around Zaribar lake is to see the storks that build their nest in a village near it. These storks are very valuable to the villagers and people try to take good care of them. You can go to the village to see the flight of storks and get everything you need for your stay from their local market.

Storks make nests in the village by the lake every year

To travel to this lake, you should consider your accommodation conditions. In winter, Kurdistan province experiences severe snow and blizzard. If you want to visit the frozen lake, make sure to travel with a safe vehicle. If you want to experience a pleasant trip in Zaribar Lake, it is better to travel in summer.


One of the most beautiful lakes in Iran that you must visit at least once is Zaribar Lake. This lake is located in Kurdistan province and has created an international ecosystem. Many different plant and animal species live in this ecosystem and this is a good opportunity for tourists to come and visit in summer. You can contact us for more information about this lake through the Lootke website.