The Mighty Tashkooh

The Mighty Tashkooh


Among the vast pool of options available in Iran worth travelling to, you do not have to miss Tashkooh. This is an interesting site it is hard to believe that such a site exists but fortunately or unfortunately we have it in Iran.

The Tashkooh is a mysterious attraction site that is known to be a burning or fiery mountain. This mountain has been burning for years and now it has been the sole reason behind the attention of the visitors to the site.

The hills of this great site have many flames and they dazzle the eyes of the viewers. It has an unquenchable fire that seems to be burning always for centuries by now. Isn't it magnificent?  The mountain that is located in the Zagros region in Khuzestan seems to warm the surrounding, especially during the winter nights.

It is like a dream to see a mountain burning in fire and lighting the path for you on which you can walk on. It is unimaginably beautiful and attractive and hence it has been able to grab the attention of the world to it. 

Not to forget that the Tashkooh was also registered under the natural monument list back in the year 2010. So apart from its uniqueness and beauty, it has a reason for which we all are proud. 

The name of the mountain Tashkooh in the local language means fire and by now you know the reason behind the name of it. The fire in the site is so beautiful that it gives a unique look to the entire area. 

Let us read some more details regarding the Tashkooh and know the site even better. 


Where Is It Located Actually? 

This is a question that has been searched a lot once people got to know about the Tashkooh. You should know that Tashkooh is located exactly on the Ramhormoz road that takes you to the Zard River. You will find Tashkooh on Khadijah as well as the Mamatin route once you cross the beautiful Leran Dome village. 

From Khuzestan province to the Tashkooh it is almost 35 km and the distance from Tashkooh to Ahvaz is around 130 km.

You should know that the distance of the Tashkooh to Abadan is 230 km and last but not least the distance of it from Khorramshahr is around 240 km. So now that you know the distances and where the Tashkooh is actually located it is easier for you to plan your trip from your desired spot to Tashkooh. 

Why Is the Fire of Tashkooh Always Burning? 

This is a very interesting question as everyone desires to know the reason behind the ever-burning fire in Tashkooh. Based on geological beliefs, the reason behind the never-ending fire of the Tashkooh is nothing but the presence of Sulphur in the ground that emits natural gas from its depth. 

You should also know that there is a passage of hydrocarbon gasses on the different layers of the earth and it seems to be leaking and even cracking the surface of the earth. Another interesting fact about the Tashkooh is that though there is a presence of a gas that is being emitted in the air another fire cannot be lit and this is an outstanding fact about the Tashkooh. 


Are There Any Tips for Visiting Tashkooh? 


There are tips for visiting any site you desire for the first time. Keep in mind that there are no signposts on the road that takes you to Tashkooh. As the area is filled with gas it is not a good idea to be there for more than 15 minutes as it can cause nausea as well as headache. If you desire to visit Tashkooh the best time to do so is in the cold seasons.

Always remember to respect the culture and the locals there. Make sure you do not harm nature and do not try to touch the fire in Tashkooh. 


Other Sites Worth Visiting in Tashkooh


Once you are done seeing the magical Tashkooh, it is a good idea to visit other worthy sites as well. Some of the best sites which you can visit and never get tired of their beauty are mentioned below such as:


The Bitumen Spring

Make sure you visit the Bitumen spring which is only 25 km always from the Ramhormoz. This is a tar spring that has melted everyone's heart by its beauty. 


The Imamzade Seyed Hasan Zahedoun

Another great historical site worth visiting in the area is this great mosque. It is a historical mosque which was constructed back in the era of Seljuk as well as Timurid. 


The Salty Tuff Waterfall

This is another great worth visiting. If you desire to see the salt tuff waterfall here, then you need to go to the Ramhormoz camp. Thanks to this route you will be able to get to the Bab Al Fars region. There you can find this 60 meters tall waterfall that flows from the heart of the mountain.

You can also enjoy seeing different fish live in the water due to its salinity. Make sure you visit all the sites we mentioned above to add more fun and excitement to your trip while you are there.


 Where to Stay While in Tashkooh? 


Well, now that you know all about the Tashkooh and its worthy sites worth visiting next comes the question as to where to stay while in Tashkooh. 

The good news is that Ramhormoz is known to be an old city in Khuzestan and tourists love visiting the site a lot. Unfortunately, Ramhormoz does not have any proper accommodations for tourists you can go and stay in Shushtar and Ahvaz. There are also some good eco-tourist hotels as well as residences in the cities.

Are you interested to see this great Tashkooh with your eyes as well in Iran? Then you know what you need to do. Go ahead and plan your trip to the site and enjoy the great wonders of Iran.

 If you need help, then you can also search the great and worthy sites in Iran on the official website of and you will be able to find the best sites to travel to and never get tired of.