The Wonderful Fountain of Badab Soort

The Wonderful Fountain of Badab Soort

This is a mesmerizing site that is known to be a wonderful fountain of a thousand colors. If you ever have the chance to visit the site, then make sure you do so without any hesitation.

Badab Surat Spring is known to be the name of the stepped spring that you can find in the Erost village in the Chahardangeh district in Iran in the beautiful province of Mazandaran.

This is a spring that has been even registered as the second natural heritage in the country in the great national Monument list back in the year 2007 after great Mount Damavand. Follow the content till the end to help you understand more about this great Badab Surat in detail.

 Know About the Features of the Badab Surat in Details

Now that you know where is it located let us throw some light on the Badab Surat as well. Being the second natural spring it is also the second saltwater spring in the entire world after the famous Pamukkale in Turkey it has grabbed the attention of the world to it.

It is located right at an altitude of 1841 meters above sea level but unfortunately today it may not be in a perfect condition as it was earlier. It is due to nothing but the presence of a huge number of tourists and no fence in the area at all. Unfortunately, today it has been a place for garbage accumulation.

It is a fact that Badab Surat is a natural gift that should have been listed in the natural wonders of Iran. You will not understand the beauty of the site until and unless you pay a visit to it and see the beauty with your own eyes.  Badab Surat has a single spring which is the biggest one that is about 15 meters in depth and has salty water in it.

Also, it is said that the water that this spring contains is hot and has been used for treating skin diseases, rheumatism as well as migraine. 

One thing you should know about the springs is that they have formed thanks to the flow of mineral as well as sedimentary water that flowed on the mountain slopes with the passage of time. Make sure to see the beauty of the springs in the sunset. It is divine and heavenly.

It is the only time you will be able to see the real beauty of this spring as the sun glows and its reflection is visible in the colored water. It is an eye catching moment for the Badab Surat spring as a natural landscape which you will never

But Where Is This Glorious Badab Surat Spring?  

It is a good idea to take a look at the location of the Badab Surat spring as well to know where we are actually headed to.

The Badab Surat Spring is located in the beautiful province of Mazandaran. It is a spring that has been founded back in the fourth geological era and to date people love to visit the site. 

You should know the routes that will take you there as well. As we can say there are two routes to Badab Surat spring. The first is from Semnan Road and the other path is from Mazandaran itself. You can choose which road you desire to take that will take you to this heavenly spring. 

The good news is that both the routes you can take easily as they are both asphalt roads on which you can drive your car easily.

When Should I Visit Badab Surat in Spring? 

This is the most frequently asked question that we get. It is natural as everyone desires to be there at the best time and enjoy the beauty of the spring. According to the surveys that have been fathered we can say that the best time to visit the spring is in the month of May and for photography purposes, the best time to visit is during the sunset as well as sunrise.

You will get magical images that you will not believe are natural and true. If you do not believe then go ahead, visit the spring of Badab Surat and give it a try. It is like a dream come true to be able to see the beautiful reflection of the shining sun in the day in the spring or the beautiful moonlight as well.

Apart from all that we said above about the majestic Badab Surat spring there are a few tips as well that you should know before travelling here. So read the following in detail.

Tips for Traveling to Badab Surat Spring

  • Keep in mind that once you have already driven for three km on the dirt road as a passing anger you have to walk for 15 minutes only as it is not possible to take your car to the spring. 
  • You cannot stay near the spring of Badab Surat. If you desire to then you need to rent a house in the nearby village of Arest or you can even stay in the beautiful village of Hosseinieh. 
  • Make sure you do not leave any garbage while you are there. Nature is our friend so try and preserve it for the next generations.
  • Do not disturb the peace with loud noise or even fire. 
  • Do not drive through the green pastures. Save the earth. 
  • Make sure you drive slowly and steadily when the road is busy. You are there for a trip and not for a car race.
  • Carry food and water with you but for not throw the garbage here and there in the nature that will harm the nature.

Now that you read about the Badab Surat spring, aren't you surprised? How can such beauty be still so beautiful and eye-catching that the world is crazy about it? Yes, it is in Iran, it is another great beauty of Iran that the world desires to see.

Further, you can find great worth visiting sites in Iran on the official website of Plan your next trips accordingly.