The shevi waterfall

The Shui Waterfall

The Shui waterfall is known to be one of the most unique and gorgeous waterfalls in Iran, located precisely in the province of Khuzestan.

You will hear this waterfall having different names, such as Shui or Shevi, which has been so far busy welcoming ample tourists to it in different seasons and is known to be a unique sightseeing place in Dezful.

If you are looking for a large yet breathtaking waterfall in the Middle East, then this great Shui waterfall is what you are looking for.

You should know an important fact about this incredible waterfall. In 2014, the waterfall of the Shui was registered to be the first work of the Khuzestan province, which is entirely natural and got the 35th rank of the natural and national heritage in the country.

 In this regard, if you want to read more and know more details about the Shui waterfall that has grabbed the world's attention to it.

All about the great Shui waterfall

The height of this incredible waterfall is something around 450 meters which is above sea level. It has been given the rank of being one of the biggest waterfalls in Iran and is even known to be the Niagara of Iran.

So now you know how great and unique the waterfall of the Shui is, don't you? But this is not the end. There are lots that you need to know about Shui. So pay attention to the details further.

You should know that right on the mountain slope, and there is a cave. Its height is unknown, and even it is unknown to the locals. If you desire to visit the cave as well, you need to have skills and the proper equipment for it else.

It is not a good idea. The best part is that around this great waterfall, you will find willow, fig, maple, and oak trees that add more to its beauty.

The most important thing that we will tell you about is that the Shui waterfall was included in the national heritage list back in the year 2014, which has grabbed the world's attention.

Once you visit this great waterfall, you will see that there is another waterfall beside it which is called the second Shui waterfall or well known as the snake rock. This waterfall lies about 40 km away from the Shui waterfall and is variable.

The primary residents of this waterfall are actually from Ler or are Bakhtiari people that speak the Taf Shui language. 

If you ever plan to visit the Shui, you should know where it lies. So here you go.

The waterfall is known to be a fantastic sightseeing site in Khuzestan which is located on the border of Khuzestan and Lorestan. On the other hand, the waterfall of the Shui is placed on Zagros mountain, right close to Salen mountain, along with the Shoi village there.

How Can We Get to The Shui Waterfall?

Luckily getting to the waterfall is easy, thanks to the two railways as well as the car route. 

One of the railway stations is the Tele Zang station which lies three hours away from Durood Lorestan station. If you desire to catch the train, you must be there by 1:30 a.m. Do not worry. There is a mosque where you can stay the night, close to the station for safety reasons.

The train will move from Durood to Andimeshk and reach its destination. 

Another route is via the Sardasht Dezful as well as the Pirchel area. It is, in total, a 130 km long road that actually starts from the Dezful and finally leads to the Shui waterfall.

All you need to do is take the train from Dezful to Shahyoun, and then there is a five km long path around the Shui that you should take starting from the Nan Pir or Goshe. Do not get disappointed seeing the dirt road that is almost 35 km which will take you an hour to reach the waterfall. In the end, you will see that it was worth it. 

On the other hand, you should also know about the walking path that takes you to this gorgeous fall. Starting from the Shui village, there is a water stream that will game you to the gorge, which is very dangerous.

Hence you need a guide for it. Due to this, a part of the mountain is even closed with the help of a wire that will help passengers to pass the gorge with the help of it. Starting from the foot of the Shui waterfall, it will take you around one and a half hours to reach.

If you are more of a climber, you can choose the other route: climbing the mountain instead of going from the river route. The first route, to be precise, is less dangerous and is even traveled by the nomads living there daily. So be careful and enjoy the journey while planning to visit the Shui waterfall.

When Should I Visit the Shui Waterfall for A Better Experience? 

This is a frequently asked question as every traveler desires to be at Shui at the best time of the year to enjoy it till the end.

So here we will tell you that due to the weather conditions of the Shui waterfall and the difficult path to reach the site, it is highly advised to reach the fall in late March or spring. You can go there in April and May, which is better.

In summer, it gets challenging to walk in that heat, so better to go in the spring and make your trip memorable instead.

There are certain things that you should know about the Shui waterfall before you even arrange and plan your trip. So read ahead carefully. 


  • It is better to take some essential medicines while going to the Shui waterfall.
  • Make sure to carry a hat as well as sunscreen. 
  • Unfortunately, there are no restaurants or shops or toilets on the site, so make sure you carry food and water with you once you start your journey.
  • There is no mobile connection at that height, so there is no way for a telephone connection in the Shui. 
  • Make sure to choose a wide and non-slowing area for yourself if you desire to spend the night there. 
  • Do not throw food remains around your tent, as it will be welcoming wild animals to you. 


Now that you know all the important details, what do you think? Don't you think the site is worth visiting and enjoying? There are many great sites like the Shui waterfall in Iran which you can read on the official website of and find out more about the next upcoming trips you desire to arrange in Iran.

We hope we were able to guide you in detail enough to help you in knowing the site better. Go ahead and enjoy the beauty of the Shui waterfall and return to your homeland with a heart full of memory and joy.