The Abr Jungle of Iran

The Abr Jungle of Iran

In Iran, you will see a lot of fascinating sites, monuments, and exciting history. But this is something else. The Abr jungle of Iran is a breathtaking experience you will get in your life once you visit it.

The Abr jungle is considered a mixture of heaven and earth, where you see the clouds gently kiss the surface of the earth. It has gorgeous tall trees along with a lush forest.

Today you will find this great forest located on the border of two different climates in Semnan as well as Golestan. Tourists are shocked to see such a splendid beauty, and they never get tired of its glam, its calm feeling, and even capturing images. 

Abr, in the local language, means cloud, and this is what all this forest is about. Looking at its pictures, you will see that it feels like you are walking over the clouds. Imagine you are walking in the forest, and all of a sudden, you feel like you are in the middle of clouds, but it is the forest that is covered with white and soft clouds.

Being one of the natural attractions of Iran, the Abr jungle makes the earth look very close to the sky, and here you will be able to enjoy two types of climates such as low-pressure areas as well as high-pressure areas. 

We feel you are already tempted to know more about the actual location and other details regarding the Abr jungle, so read till the end and get further details regarding this great site worth visiting.

 The Abr jungle 

The Abr jungle, or the forest, is one of the oldest forests that we have in the world today. The jungle is around forty million years old and comes from the third geological era, known as the Jurassic era.

The Abr jungle is enormous. It is almost 35 thousand hectares.

What are the characteristics of this jungle that made it so special? Well, the forest has amazingly high altitudes right from the sea level, and its highest temperature is something around 20° Celsius, and its lowest temperature is only 6°. So now you can understand that the forest is too cold in the early mornings and at night. 

There are varieties of species in this forest that you can even witness. Along with its diverse vegetation, the Abr jungle is eye-catching and is at the center of attention.

The best part about this great forest is that it was registered as one of the national and natural works of Iran back in the year 2018. Back in 2013, the entire area of the forest was protected, and later, it was included in the four areas of the Environmental Protection Organization.

Everyone is interested to know what is the reason behind this cloud formation on the ground. So read to understand what is the reason behind it. 

The Formation of Cloud Ocean in The Abr Jungle

One of the most interesting facts about the Abr jungle is that it has an ocean cloud on the surface of the forest. 

One of the main reasons for this cloud formation is nothing but the geography of the cloud region. The main reason is that the Abr jungle is located between high and low altitudes, and these are basically high and low-pressure areas, and as a result, clouds are formed. 

Another reason behind the cloud formation in the vegetation of the Abr jungle is the thickness of the mountain, such as Alborz, which decreases gradually in the Abr jungle, and they are even trapped behind its walls. This is the main reason the air gets really cold and results in the cloud covering the Abr jungle.

 Where Is the Actual Location of the Abr Jungle? 

You will find this forest located about 40 km in the Northeastern part of Shahroud, right in the Bastan district. To be precise, the forest lies in the eastern part of the Alborz, just 12 km away from the Abar village. The Abr jungle is so massive that it covers almost some parts of the borders of provinces such as Semnan as well as Golestan.

The distance of the Abr jungle from Tehran is almost 453 km, and from Semnan, it is 138 km, and finally, from Mashhad, it is 514 km. 

So if you are planning to visit the Abr jungle from either of these provinces, then you know the distance between them and the jungle.

And finally, the exact location of the Abr jungle is 40 km the North of Shahroud in Abr village.

So now that you know all these details regarding the Abr jungle, we hope you will love visiting and creating memories there.

What Can We See in The Abr Jungle? 

In the Abr jungle, once you are done with the mesmerizing beauty of it, and you are done with the site, you can visit other sites, such as the alochal waterfall, which lies right in the heart of the cloud forest.

This incredible waterfall is about 25 meters, and to reach the waterfall, you need to walk about 50km on asphalt and 9 km on the Shuse road. 

The Dalan Behesht is a great area that is covered in great trees and makes a path to the famous Alochal waterfall.

The Maran castle that you will find on the mountain is a great visiting site. You need the help of a tour guide to take you there. 

Last but not least you should visit the village and take a tour of it. Abar village of Shirin Abad is a fantastic site among the other villages to which you should pay a visit. The village lies 7km away from the gigantic forest.

Now that you know all about this excellent visiting site, what do you think? Don't you agree that this is a fantastic site worth visiting? Having to see clouds on the earth is a heavenly experience. So make sure you visit the site and enjoy its beautiful scenery. 

In case you desire to take more tours in Iran, you can visit and get to see more sites with their details that will help you and act as a guide.