Everything About Chamestan You Never Knew About

Everything About Chamestan You Never Knew About

Being a great city in the province of Mazandaran, Chamestan has the perfect weather along with a huge number of natural as well as historical attractions that easily drive everyone crazy.

This perfect vacation spot is located in Noor city in Mazandaran province and its actual distance from the capital of Iran is about 230 km and from Chalus famous road it is only 214 km. 

From the south, Chamestan is limited to the Alborz and from the eastern part it is limited to the beautiful city of Amol. 

The site that we are talking about now is well known as it is located 1,547 km above sea level. It is a small city considerably but it has been and continues to be a great tourist attraction to date.

On this site, you will also find the great mountain named Mirkhmand, Vaz, Tarem, Rudbreak and last but not least the Lavij. So it is more like one shot two targets. As you visit Chamestan you will see all these as well. 

So why not read till the end and know more about the great Chamestan city together? 

A Bit About the History of Chamestan

The real age of the Chamestan is still unknown but looking at the oral history of the Chamestan we have to say that it simply indicates to be one of the ancient signs of civilizations as it dates back to the Lavij village and has its traces even to the Sasanian era. 

In Chamestan you will find ample fire temples which is a sign of the presence of the Zoroastrians there. So now it gets pretty obvious how old Chamestan is approximate. 

The city has amazing beauty as well as great weather and climate. This is the main reason people rent houses and villas to tourists and visitors and spent their time there during holidays with family and friends. 

Another fact about the people of Chamestan is that they speak the beautiful language of Tabari or better say Mazandarani which is a sweet language to hear. 

What Are the Handicrafts of People Living in Chamestan?

Once you are there you can enjoy shopping in the local shops and buying souvenirs for your friends and families. Often this shipping ja known as the best part of the trip so we try to buy the best and take it with us, isn't it? 

The good news is that you can buy organic and high-quality products such as honey, lavashak, jam, cookies or even pushtzig from the local shops there. Other great souvenirs are the woven mats and the crafts made with wood.

Are There Any Tourist Recreational Spots in Chamestan? 

Chamestan itself is a great site for enjoying and relaxing and it gained a lot of importance due to the presence of its hot water, handicrafts, yummy local food and last but not least the Lavage attractions. Words are not enough to explain how beautiful the site is.

The village of Chamestan is located lies right at the end of the Kashpol forest road. It has an attitude of about 739 meters and got further attention and fame due to its tall green trees and forests. 

Do you know that there is a huge stone elephant exactly in the center of the Lavij village that has been the reason behind the tourist visits there? It is a huge stone piece that looks very similar to an elephant that is sitting on the floor as a result of erosion.

According to what the people of Lavij believe they say that if you break the stone or try to destroy it, the snakes will attack you. So make sure you do not destroy anything this is what natives believe and wear comfortable shoes as you are going to walk for about 10 minutes as soon as you pass the Lavij hot water. It is going to be interesting, so be ready for it.

Where to Stay While I Am in Chamestan? 

Chamestan is a mesmerizing city located in the northern part of the country. You will find great houses, villas and even hotels that you can rent and enjoy your trip better. 

If you desire you can even pay a visit to the bigger cities such as Noor or Mahmudabad and even the great Izadshahr and find bigger hotels to stay, there. One thing we know is that when we are travelling to such forest areas we can't expect everything to be at a five-star level.

It is all about the site than its accommodation. Do not get us wrong we do not mean that accommodation is not important but we should adjust as well. 

When Should I Travel to Chamestan?


As it is a gorgeous mountainous site it is also close to the sea. The actual geographical location of Chamestan makes the climate of the site amazing. 

In spring Chamestan is mild and favorable. Keep in mind that there are mostly rainy seasons during this time. In summer the rainfall decreases and hence it is obvious that the temperature will increase.

You will face hot and humid weather in summer while you are there with no rainfall at all. In colder seasons we recommend you visit Chamestan in the month of September. This is the best time for those who are not a fan of hot and humid weather and love to enjoy it most in cooler months. 

You see no matter how many places in Iran you travel still there are many more left to be discovered.  What if we were to tell you that you can take help for your future planning and arrange your trips accordingly with the help of Lootke.com?

It is a great site that elaborates more about the great tourist attractions in Iran and tells you details worth knowing about every site. Sounds too good to be true. So once you are done reading about Chamestan, pay a visit to their official website and see all by yourself.