Dalahu Attractions and All That We Never Knew About

Dalahu Attractions and All That We Never Knew About

Do you know that Dalahu is a beautiful city in the province of Kermanshah that has two great parts: the cradle and the centre? The centre in particular is the actual city of Karand Gharb which is even taken from its tall mountains that are known as Dalahu. You should know that it is even located exactly in front of the Iraqi plain. 

On the other hand, because of the name Dalahu, there are many waterfalls present in the region as well. 

An important fact about Dalahu is that it is located about 100 km away from the province of Kermanshah and just about 44 km from Sarpol Zahab as well and on its west it is 100 km away from Kermanshah. 

You can easily get there via plane as you can fly directly to Kermanshah from any part of Iran you desire. Keep in mind that the nature of the Dalahu is also the main reason it has grabbed the attention of the world to it and has many guests throughout the year. 

If you belong to that group of people who desires to travel to Dalahu and make a never-ending trip filled with memories, then the content will be of great help to you. Go ahead and read it till the end carefully for more information. 


Some of The Worthy Attractions in Dalahu Worth Visiting 

While you are in Dalahu you can enjoy discovering a lot of new and beautiful sites. Some of them worth mentioning are stated below such as:

The Harir village 

The first and foremost site we are going to talk about in Dalahu is the Harir village. It has a history that dates back to around Nader the Fifth Shah and it is located about 37 km towards the Western part of Islamabad.

As you visit the village you can also see the cave of the Sarab Harir that is located just a km away from the Harir village on its northern part and is well known for its great tall trees as well as the wildflowers that make the village more appealing and beautiful. 


The Abdullah Bin Omar Mosque

It is another great site you should definitely visit in Dalahu village. It is 120 km away from Kermanshah on its west. The people living in this region have a special kind of respect for the Abdullah bin Omar Mosque and it is also known to be very holy and noble. 


The Vault Oriented

Another name for the vault oriented is the Taqgara which is the Taq Shirin. It was initially the border station of Iran and it easily guards the country as well. 

The site has amazing historical, and ancient attractions that you will find about 15 km from the actual road of Kermanshah right towards the Sarpol Zahab. You will love seeing this site as you visit there. So go ahead and plan your trip accordingly. 

The Shalan village

It is a worthy site in Dalahu. Tourists love this site and it is known to be a Rijab area that has so far grabbed the attention of the world to it. The name has been derived from the Kurdish word, that means small water. The site is so peaceful and calm that you will not feel like leaving it at all. Once you are there, go ahead and visit Dalahu, especially the Shalan village. 


More About the Dalahu People

The people in this region are busy with industrial jobs mainly. Especially in the case of the Gehwara as well as Karand Gharb people are engaged in the art of metalworking, weaving as well as creating instruments that are creative and traditional.

So, this is also a good option for you to buy souvenirs for your loved ones back home. So make sure you visit their shops and buy these traditional instruments or handicrafts to take back home with you. 


When Is the Best Time to Travel to Dalahu? 

Now that we read all about the beautiful Dalahu, let us also see when is the right time to visit the site to be able to enjoy our best there. 

Dalahu has a cold temperature in general, and tourists love this fact about Dalahu. Some of them love to enjoy visiting the site from May up to the end of the month of September. In the spring season, Dalahu gets cool and moderate and making it even easier for all to travel to Dalahu right in the heart of nature. 


The Routes to Dalahu

If you ever plan to visit Dalahu then you should know that you can take a car to Dalahu if you do not desire to take a plane.

Taking the car route you can go to Hamedan first and then from there to Saveh city and then proceed with the way towards the western part till you reach the beautiful Kermanshah province. Drive further for about 15 km till you reach Sarpol Zahab and there you will see a road that will lead you further to the Dalahu.

There is a small issue with Dalahu. If you are planning to visit the site, you should know that there are limited accommodations for tourists so you have to book early if you desire to stay there. Apart from these accommodations, you will also find a few ancient houses that today are ecotourism accommodations and they have sufficient services.

If you are a fan of camping, then this is good news for you. You can go there camping and or you can stay in a tent in the Dalahu natural parks. 

Once you are there, you can also see the close by attractions such as the Sarab Sharaf which is about 33.5 km away from Dalahu, and the Qalaja forest which is almost 689 km away from the same.

On the other hand, the Dalahu people are mainly Kurds who speak the Kurdish language. So if you are familiar with this language the trip can be even more fun for you to be able to communicate with them easily.

For further such amazing places you can read the official website of Lootke.com and you will find that under the blue sky above sea level in this life there are many sites that you are yet to visit in Iran. Hurry and plan ahead