The Famous Hajj Ali Qoli Desert

The Famous Haj Ali Qoli Desert

Another magnificent site in Iran that has set everyone's foot-tapping is this great Haj Ali Qoli desert. Do you know where it lies? Have you ever heard about it? Do not worry. We will give you all the details you need to know about this tremendous must-visiting site in Iran.

Well, this great desert is considered to be a significant part of the Semnan province in Iran. It is actually far beyond what words can express about it. It is a famous sightseeing desert in Damghan that is located in the southern part of the city, close to the village of Khorzan.

The entire area of this desert that we are about to elaborate on is around 6541 square kilometers. You will find the desert of Haj Ali Qoli about 43 km away from the actual center of the city and 39 km away from the road that gives you access to this beautiful desert. 

One exciting thing about the Haj Ali Qoli desert is that it is bounded by mountains on its south as well as Southwest, and from its west, there is the Euphrates village. Keep in mind that the entire desert is about 1050 to 1094 km above sea level. Now we hope you can picture the entire outer look of the Haj Ali Qoli desert.

Let us read more in detail regarding the Haj Ali Qoli desert and decide when to travel and see this beauty from close. 

The Haj Ali Qoli desert

There are seasonal rivers present in the site along with the Hasan Abad Salt Lake that has successfully been the reason behind the creation of the deep valleys as well as wide alluvial cones.

There you can even see the pistachio orchard as well, which is loved by the majority of the visitors. If you are someone who has an interest in salt-loving plants, then you will have to visit the Tag shrub and see it from close. It is one of the most important plant species that we get in the region of the Haj Ali Qoli desert.

If you are planning to visit the site, then you need to know the routes as well. Though at times there are tour guides to lead you to the way, there is no harm in knowing.

There are two major ways to enter the Haj Ali Qoli desert. The first is via the Shahroud road that will take you to the Tarood as well as the Chah Jam village, and the second is the route via Khorzan on the road to the famous Damghan Maalman, then off to the desert.

Keep in mind if you are planning to visit the site for a day trip, then it is highly recommended to take the route via Khorzan Damghan. 

When is the best time to visit the Haj Ali Qoli desert? 

Everyone loves to visit a desert at their favorite times. Some desire to visit in the summer to feel the warm sand under their feet while they are walking barefoot, and some love to travel during winter to feel the cold breeze. But in general, fall and winter are the best time of the year. Haj Ali Qoli desert welcomes all its visitors with its arms open.

Being the smallest watershed desert today, the Haj Ali Qoli desert has an area of about 18 thousand square km, and it is separated from a salt desert. It has a moisture center, thanks to which it is considered to be one of the deserts that have a dry climate and region in Iran.

Looking at it geographically, we know that every desert was once a sea or a lake which was flooded by water. Years ago, this desert was a lake that was skilled with water and had ample fish and sea creatures in it, making it a unique one.

Unfortunately, with the passage of time as well as the unfortunate changes in the climate, it changed to a desert, and nothing was left except a salt-dried desert. The desert is known to have 47% area covered in clay and the rest 34% covered in marshy areas, and the remaining 19% all salt marsh.

When it comes to the vegetation of the Haj Ali Qoli desert, we have to say that as it is a salt desert, there won't be many plants and trees growing in this region apart from those that have the tendency to grow in salt areas.

Apart from the desert itself, once you are in Haj Ali Qoli and once you have enjoyed yourself thoroughly, you can go ahead and spend your time enjoying and seeing the Hasan Abad village, the Degh Biyarajmand desert, Dasht e Kavir, and last but not least the Chah Jam village that is located near the Haj Ali Qoli desert.

On the other hand, you do not have to worry about your stay while you are in the desert. If you are more of a camper, then you can easily set up your camp and enjoy your beautiful nights under the bright starlights. But if you like to stay indoors, you can enjoy the lodges in Chah Jam Village as well as the hotels that are ready to be at your service in Damghan city.

Final Advice Before You Visit This Desert

Keep in mind that if you plan to visit the desert in hot seasons, then make sure to carry proper equipment with you, such as a hat, sunscreen, cool clothes, as well as water which is very important. 

The most important thing we forgot as the salt of this region has medicinal value, the majority of the visitors do take a bit with them to carry to their homeland. So you can even do so and enjoy its values. 

We hope you enjoyed reading the details regarding the Haj Ali Qoli desert in Iran. You can find further interesting sites worth visiting on the official website of and plan your trip well.