The Beautiful Khor and Biabanak Desert Worth Visiting

The Beautiful Khor and Biabanak Desert Worth Visiting

The Khor and Biabanak desert is a vast yet very beautiful site worth visiting and capturing. You will never get tired of the beauty and the view of the Khor and Biabanak desert. You may say, what beauty does a desert have to show?
But you have to visit the site to see what it holds for you all. The thought of walking in the warm sand in the daylight under the sun and capturing memories and walking on the same sand under starlight at night feeling the cool breeze.
It's a dream come true. It's an excellent experience that you should try at least once in your life. The Khor and Biabanak desert is a city located near the beautiful city of Isfahan. It is one of the cities of Isfahan.
In the center of the city, you will find Khor city, which is neighbored by South Khorasan, Yazd, and finally, the Semnan province in Iran.
It should be mentioned that there are about 126 big and small settlements located in Khor and Biabanak city. You will find different plants and vegetation in different climates in Iran. You will be happy to know that you can enjoy eating the Qasab and the Kerman dates, which are the best dates.
Some of the best tourist attractions of the Khor and Biabanak are the Beyazeh castle. Many tourists visit here and love the look of the castle, and they never get tired of clicking pictures and taking back lots of memories with them.
The entire building is made from clay and mud, so now you can imagine how old the entire building is.
The Jandaq castle is the second-best visited site in Khor and Biabanak. The site belongs to the Sassanid era. Based on the belief of the people, they say that this castle was initially the prison of the Anoushirvan, but some have also rejected this hypothesis.
Apart from all these castles, there are other sites such as the Jame Farrokhi mosque, the Narin Qala, the Farrokki village, and even the Salt Lake and desert. You can go ahead and visit all these sites and see how impressive the Khor and Biabanak are.

In this regard, let us read further to understand more about the Khor and Biabanak together.

Khor and Biabanak Desert

So far, we have spoken a bit about Khor and Biabanak city, which lies near the Khor and Biabanak desert.
The site has the same name as its city, and it has been recognized as a beautiful desert near Isfahan with unique sand dunes and magnificent nature.
Those who are desert lovers will never deny the fact that deserts are dry and often dull in the eyes of others, but they have their inner beauty and attraction that melt hearts.
It is no more like what it actually was. Now the Khor and Biabanak desert holds three villages and modern urban life that is clearly visible.
Nights you will fall in love with the sky filled with stars and hills that are golden in color and the smooth sand that runs under your feet.


If you belong to that group of people who love trekking in the desert, then this is the best opportunity for you. Do you know that a lot of trekkers choose the Khor and Biabanak deserts for their adventurous trekking?
Yes, you read it right. The site has always been chosen for many reasons. One of the main reasons is that the trekkers love the experience of driving their two-wheel cars first in the desert, and it allows them to feel an unparalleled experience that is out of the world.
The second fantastic experience is that of the sand dunes and the desert itself, which is ideal for fun activities like motorcycle riding as well as off riding.
It is true that entering the desert and doing all these fun activities can damage the polygons, but the excitement does not allow mankind to refrain from such activities.
You can visit the Khor and Biabanak desert anytime you desire, but the best time, according to many visitors, is the first step before planning the trip to the desert.
You can easily visit the site, witness the traces of the Salt Lake water and enjoy yourself trekking, riding a motorcycle, or simply walking barefoot on the warm sand that runs under your feet. It is up to you how to enjoy your trip once you are in Khor and Biabanak deserts.

Some Customs of the Khor and Biabanak

After knowing all these about this fascinating desert, it's time to focus on its customs.
As mentioned earlier, the desert of Khor and Biabanak is located near the salt desert, which has a lot of customs and has been preserved really well.
The last night of the March is known as the Bibi Hoor Night, as locals call it so. It is due to the fact that locals think and believe that on this particular night, all the angels decent and bless their houses.
Do not get surprised to see locals kill palm trees. It is a custom in the Khor and Biabanak region that has been well maintained, and they do so only when they have special guests.
Apart from the Khor and Biabanak desert, Khor city is home to many great products such as wheat, barley, sunflower, millet, pistachio, and anything you can think of.



As a well-known site, this desert never fails to surprise tourists and is a great tourist spot. All the major settlements of the desert are next to the river as well as the springs, except the historical buildings that are made with clay and mud and have a complete historical and traditional look to them.
Lastly, we should also add that as this site is a no-hunting zone, nature is outstanding, and nature lovers will find this site heaven.
Visit the site, and you will see how great the desert is. Khor and Biabanak desert is an ideal sites for you to enjoy your trip. Go ahead and never hesitate to visit this gorgeous desert you will never regret.