All You Need to Know About the Nozhian Waterfall

All You Need to Know About the Nozhian Waterfall


It is not a secret that whenever we hear about any waterfall, all that triggers our mind is water flowing down from great heights and the relaxing sound of water falling, which is so calm and relaxing. Apart from these two significant factors, a trip to any waterfall is even complete when you have such gorgeous ones as the Nozhian waterfall. 

This incredible waterfall is located in the Lorestan province. It is an amazing as well as spectacular view that provides its scenic beauty to the world as well as the visitors. 

Have you heard about this beautiful waterfall? Well, the actual height of the Nozhian waterfall is something around 95 meters, and it is considered to be one of the tallest or, in fact, the highest waterfalls in Iran. 

The best about the Nozhian waterfall is that it was listed as a natural as well as a national heritage site in the year 2007.

In this regard, let us read further and know more about this gorgeous waterfall in detail which will help in knowing when to visit the site to be able to enjoy it fullest.

Where Is This Amazing Nozhian Waterfall? 

The waterfall is known to be one of the most incredible waterfalls in Iran, and it is a very famous one as well, located in the province of Lorestan. If you are someone who desires to visit a fantastic sightseeing place in Khorramabad, then this place is ideal for you. 

The actual meaning of the name of this waterfall is living water. The name was kept so due to the fact that the waterfall is always filled with water, mainly in the rainy seasons, but its width decreases as well during the dry seasons. It has on, the other hand, changed the shape of the waterfall as well. 

Often visitors ask where the water supply of this great waterfall is. To answer this question, we have to say that the water is supplied right from the upstream springs as these waters at the end flow into the famous Caesar river.

But in general, the entire atmosphere of the Nozhian waterfall is very heartwarming, and hence tourists love the site a lot. 

It should be added that the waterfall we are talking about is even more famous, especially in the presence of certain valuable medicinal plants that grow around the waterfall or even Mount Taff. Now we know the reason behind the fame of this waterfall and the reason behind the visitors visiting there a lot. 

If you ever visit the great Nozhian waterfall in Iran, then make sure to visit the Nozhian forest as well, which lies on top of Mount Taff. Doesn't it sound amazing?


When Should You Visit Nozhian Waterfall? 

Every site in Iran is worth visiting, provided you know when is the best time to visit the site. 

If you desire to visit the Nozhian waterfall, then the best time is in spring and summer. You may ask why? The reason is that the waterfall is supplied with flowing water throughout spring, and it gets even fuller in spring. With the passage of time, the waterfall decreases, and it goes into hibernation. 


What Should You Take into Consideration Before Visiting the Site? 

Well make sure you carry your water bottle as well as some food as the forest does not promenade and food as well as amenities such as eating places or even stores. 

The water of this waterfall comes from spring, and it is pure and clean, but it is not always recommended to drink this water. 

Thinking about the nearest gas station, we have to say that it lies around 42 km from Nozhian waterfall. So before going there, make sure you have enough gas that will cover your distance. 

There are wild animals out there so mainly for the experienced and adventurous people who love staying in the Nozhian waterfall, it is better not to do it alone. 

So now that we know all these about the Nozhian waterfall let us read about its access path as well. So read further carefully.


How to Reach the Nozhian Waterfall? 

You may have many options, so choose wisely through which route you desire to go and choose the one that will be comfortable for you as well. 

Keep in mind that the actual distance between the waterfall, as well as the highway of Khorramabad, is something around 52 km. You can go there via the police road on the ring road and right after 14 km you will be able to see the waterfall.

You can turn left as soon as you reach the intersection and enter a beautiful road covered in mountains as well as oak trees. Right after 38 km as you enter the road to the highway, there is a road for 32 km which is covered in asphalt and the rest 6 km is unfortunately covered in dirt. 

Make sure to drive slowly as there are no traffic lights or signs, and there are sharp turns. It is better to go slow to be safe and to be able to enjoy the entire journey. The road itself is very attractive and beautiful, so enjoy the road till you reach the final beauty. 

If you are planning to come from Ahvaz, then you should know that you have to enter the road just about five km before entering Khorramabad. 

If you are planning to come from Khorramabad, then you should take a walk in the main boulevards right to its southern end and reach the end of the city. Do not cross the underpass of Imam Hossein square; instead, turn left and go to the ring road. This is how you can follow the rest of this path and reach the beauty in the province that awaits you.

Visiting Iran has always been one of the best choices for visitors. You can find plenty of heavenly sites like the Nozhian waterfall as well in Iran. All you need to do is visit the official website of the, and you will be able to see the great worth visiting sites along with the details you will need.