Lut a large salt desert

Lut Desert; one the most beautiful desert in the world

Iran is a country of four seasons full of natural beauty that preserves these beauties in all seasons of the year and has its own charms at any time. For this reason, it attracts many tourists from all over the world every year. In addition, Iran has a variety of climates, so in addition to the many forests it has, it also has vast deserts.
This diversity in Iran has attracted the attention of many tourists and international tourists. It is interesting to know that about a quarter of the size of Iran is desert. In this article, wants to introduce you to the most famous desert of Iraq, the Lut desert.

Lut Desert; A real wonder

Lut Desert is a very large and spacious area in southeastern Iran, located between the provinces of South Khorasan, Kerman and Sistan, and Baluchistan. This desert is located east of the Nahbandan fault and west of the Nai fault. In fact, this dessert is enclosed between these two faults. Its length is about 900 km, and its width is about 300 km.
Most deserts were seas or lakes in the past, which evaporated over time. According to archaeologists and geologists, there was a sea named Tis in the distant past in the desert, which evaporated by the sun and only salt and minerals remained. For this reason, today, it has become one of the largest desert areas in the world.
In general, the area of the Lut desert is about 40 thousand square kilometers, of which about 70% is located in Kerman province. It is wider in its central part.

Lut desert attractions

You might think the desert is full of dirt and scorching heat, but it is not. Like other places of interest, deserts have their own beauty, and their attractions are not few. Due to its vastness, Lot desert has many attractions. Among the attractions of the desert, we can refer to Klot Shahdad, Tange Taril, Kal Shur River, Gandam Briyan, and Nebka.

Shahdad's Kulot

Kulot is a natural and geographical phenomenon that occurs only in deserts, which appears as a result of erosion and the meeting of water and wind. Kulots appear like towering buildings in the middle of a vast desert. It is so beautiful, as if the architects and workers have spent a lot of time and left these works. Kulot is among the natural wonders of deserts and are known worldwide as the largest and most beautiful natural phenomenon of deserts.



Another attraction you can see in Lut desert is Nebka, also known as natural pots. The intersection of wind and water next to the plant has caused erosion, creating strange and interesting shapes that are unique in their kind.

Rotail Gorge

At a distance of 130 km from the Shahdad desert, a wide and large gorge has been formed, which, as its name suggests, is the habitat of the most dangerous spider in the world, the solar or camel tarantula, with poisonous and deadly venom. This natural gorge is one of the most pristine gorges in the world, which has remained very untouched.

Beryin Gandom

The Beryin Gandom region is a region with an area of more than 450 square kilometers in the beautiful Lut desert, which was consistently the hottest place on earth for several years. It is a place where no living thing can live and is among the most difficult regions in the world. The temperature of the Beryin Gandom region sometimes reaches more than 70 degrees Celsius in summer.


Kal-Shor River

Seeing its river in the heart of the desert may seem strange. But Dasht Lut has this phenomenon in its heart. Kal-Shor River, which is formed by seasonal flows and mostly in the summer season, has acidic water and is extremely salty. One of the interesting points of the Kal-Shor river is to make the soil sticky and creates Nebka in the desert.

Lut desert lake

A lake has been born in the heart of the Lut Klots, which is one of the main attractions of the desert. A natural lake that originates from South Khorasan's heights due to the Shore River's flooding. In addition to the unique landscape it has created in the heart of the desert, this lake hosts many migratory birds. Of course, due to the saltiness of the water, it can have many risks for these creatures.


Desert nights

One of the desert's most beautiful and unique sights is its night sky. The starry nights of the desert are one of the most amazing sights of creation that can easily make a person disappear. The beauty of the desert sky is so engrossing that you can easily hold the stars in your hands and touch them.
Due to its clean air and the absence of artificial lights and clouds, the desert has a clear sky, and for this reason, it has attracted the attention of astronomers and those interested in this exciting field.
Every year, it attracts many astronomers from all over Iran and the world to watch the beautiful and spectacular stars of the desert. In addition to astronomers, people also show interest in this very beautiful natural attraction, and every year, a huge flood of people travel to Lut on a desert tour.

Animal species of Lut desert

Although the desert has a harsh and very hot climate, it is the place where many animals and creatures live. Among these animals, we can mention rabbit, cocked checker, sand fox, sand cat, flycatcher, camel snake, parsley snake, black tail, golden scorpion, hawk, sarape, and black scorpion. It should be mentioned that no living organisms can be found in the Beryin Gandom region; as mentioned, it is the most inaccessible region.