The Lawton Falls in Gilan

The Lawton Falls in Gilan
Another incredible beautiful, yet majestic waterfall in Iran is the Lawton falls, which you will find in the province of Gilan. 
Being one of the best and the favorite tourist destination, it has welcomed and still continues to welcome all to it with its arms open.
There are ample spectacular attractions as well in Lawton falls, but the fall itself is unique and breathtaking. You should know that this majestic fall is about 105 meters in height and is known to be one of the tallest attractions as a waterfall in Iran. On the other hand, the other name of this fall is also Lawton falls and Barzav, which you will hear in the local dialect of the natives there.
You will be able to see this gigantic waterfall even from a far-off distance of 500 meters. The best thing about this great waterfall is that it has its unique beauty in all four seasons respectively. You should k is that the Lawton fall has a catchment that is about 105 meters in its height and about five meters in its width. It is beyond words. Don't you agree?
In this regard, let us read further to know more about this great Lawton falls and know all that you require to know before you plan your trip there.
The weather of the Lawton falls
Now that you know specific details regarding the height of Lawton falls, it is good to know about the weather conditions there as well, which will help you know when to visit the site. 
You should be aware that the weather in the fall is similar to that of the countries that are located in the northern region.  In winter, it is quiet cold, and going towards spring and summer, we can say that it gets scorching there. 
Often people are confused as to where Lawton falls actually or how they can go there easier. For this, you need to know the access routes and the exact location, which will be a guide for you.
We should add by saying that this mesmerizing waterfall is located in height about 15 km South of Lundville and 6 km from Kote Kome village in Gilan. Now hope it gets easier for you to locate Lawton falls.
How to Get There? 
If you desire to reach the Lawton fall, then, you need to read the following carefully. 
You can take the route best suited to you. 
If you desire to go to the fall, then you need to enter Lundville city first and take the road that will take you South. Once you travel for a few km, you will see the Kote Kome village.
Just about 6 km from there on a road you will see magnificent forest which belongs to the region itself. You can access the fall from there easily. 
On the other hand, you can access the road, which is winding. It has some deep ravines and can be dangerous even for those who are not familiar with the route. It is better to go with a guide who knows the whereabouts of the route better. After all this, the next important question that triggers our mind is where we should stay once we are in Lawton Falls. So read till the end.
Where Can I Stay Once I Am in Lawton Falls? 
Once you are done enjoying the breathtaking beauty of the Lawton fall, it's time to think about a place to stay and be safe. It is excellent to explore the pristine beauty of the waterfall. 
Often people think of staying in a tent or go for camping while they are in the Lawton fall, but it is not a good idea. It is not recommended due to the sudden changes in the climate, especially in the Gilan region.
Most importantly, there are wild animals living there as well, like wolves and even boars, in the forest. No one likes to be a dinner for wild animals, isn't it?  It is true that the animals living there stay far from human settlements, but no one can guarantee whether a wild hungry animal will stay far or not.
You will even find drinkable springs on your path that are nameless as well as unmarked in nature. You can ask the locals to help you in knowing which spring is suitable for drinking. They know better. In this case, the best place to stay is in the village for the night.
Now you can return back to where you came from to the Kote Kome village and find the best accommodation. You can spend the best night in the forest along with the beautiful village and friendly locals. It is always better to be safe than be sorry.
Why Should You Pay a Visit to The Lawton Fall? 
Some people are nature lovers, whereas some simply love the sound of the water falling from that great heights considering it to be calming and relaxing. If you belong to that group of people who need a convincing reason to travel to this magnificent fall, then you need to see the images of the Lawton fall, and you will see how its beauty drags everyone crazy about it.
If you feel the pictures are not enough to set your foot tapping, then you can certainly need to visit the place as soon as possible. 
You are not only going to enjoy the beauty of the fall but you will be amazed at the lifestyle of the villagers who live in the villages near the fall along with their occupations such as farming. 
If you think you are already tempted, then you need to book your tickets now and be the first one enjoying the Lawton fall. If you think that you would like to even, see such excellent sites in Iran, then pay a visit to the official website of, and you will see ample options and sites to travel and enjoy.