Visit Pasargadae in fars whenever you come to Iran



Pasargad, The Heaven On Earth



Another amazing historical site that is listed in the World Heritage Site of UNESCO is the famous Pasargad in Shiraz. This brilliant site was made back in the 6th century right in the heart of Fars province and was the capital of the first Persian Empire once upon a time.

If you are interested in history and desire to know more about the era of the Achaemenid Empire, then you need to visit this place for sure as it stands as a witness of that era.

Once you visit this historical site you are going to see more than just the Pasargad itself. The area consists of a lot of buildings that are historical as well such as the Holy Land, the Tal Takht, Stone tower, Persian garden collection where you can click amazing pictures, the Tom the Cyrus the Great, and last but not least the public, and the dedicated palace there.


You see visiting Pasargad means visiting all these places at once. Being able to see the history of Persia all at once through the remaining, and monuments is an amazing feeling for all, irrespective of nationality and age.

If you desire to know more about the historical Pasargad, then glue your eyes to the screen, and read till the end till we elaborate more about this unique place worth visiting.

Pasargad is an amazing historical site that earned the title of the fifth registered historical work under the World Heritage Monument of UNESCO in the year 2013 which is a matter of pride for us Iranians.

Based on the shreds of evidence that have remained with us today we can say that the name Pasargad was named so during the era of Achaemenian. It refers to its location, where the great Cyrus commanded, and so was Pasargad made.

In the historical culture of Pasargad we can include the great tomb of Cyrus the great, the outstanding Darvaza palace and last but not least, the beautiful historical tower of Ateshkade.

In this collection, we should also add the Royal garden, the bridge and even the enclosures that are sacred.



You may be curious to know about the most prominent part of this great historical site. It should be mentioned that everyone visits Pasargad mainly for the tomb of Cyrus the Great, which initially back many years was considered to be the Mashhad of Solomon.

Later in the year 1820, right after a great search that was done on this matter, it was identified to be the tomb of Cyrus. When you visit Pasargad, you will see that the tomb is made from white limestone back in the years 530-530 BC. This is how old Pasargad is.

It may not be visible to your eyes, but we should add that there are two big holes eight in the slope of the tomb on the rooftop which is mainly to allow light penetration.

Stones have been made in such a way as to reduce the extra burden of the roof. Some even didn't know that the place was where the body of Cyrus and his wife was kept once they were dead.

Cyrus, unfortunately, died in the war of Basques, and left behind a great history and valuable objects. As stated by archaeologists, when Alexander visited Pasargad and went to the tomb of Cyrus, he said there is a golden coffin that belongs to Cyrus, some golden dishes, costly weapons and even some of his clothes.



Now you may be thinking that how can a tomb have so many valuables in it? Well, initially the tomb was protected, but later during the era of Alexander, the objects were stolen from the tomb, and the tomb lost its value.

The tomb you will see today has been renovated twice once back in the year 1972 and the second in the year 2002-2009. According to the Italian group of researchers, during the first restoration and renovation, some parts of the roof were destroyed.

If you are interested to visit these historical places, then make sure you do it when it's not very hot so that you will be able to enjoy every detail of the site carefully.

Not only the place is beautiful and worth visiting, but also the route to the site is also easy.

Once you are in Shiraz you can go to Pasargad either using public transport or by railway. If you are a native, you can even visit Pasargad in your private car via the two routes it has easily.

You can never visit Shiraz and get tired of the city with all its amazing historical sites that are even listed in the list of UNESCO. All the sites have a story; all the monuments have an interesting history that attracts all to it no matter from which part of the world you are.

Pasargad is a major tourist attraction site after Takhte Jamshid and tourists love visiting the place, knowing the history from the tour guide and clicking beautiful pictures as an everlasting memory.

Go ahead and visit this amazing historical place and create memories worth keeping forever. Pasargad is more than a tomb made of stone. It is a history, a great past, and a great proof for tomorrow.