Visit Cypress of abarkuh in Yazd whenever you come to Iran

The Cypress of abarkuh


The fascinating Abarkoh cedar is a great and interesting tree located in the beautiful city of Yazd. It is considered to be one of the greatest natural works of Abarkoh that has grabbed the attention of the world to it. The Abarkoh cedar is located in the heart of the central desert in Iran and to date it stands strong welcoming all to it.

The Abarkoh cedar that we are talking about has witnessed many ups and downs to date especially due to being located in the border for years now. You will find this gigantic tree located in the open air in a field but today you may not go close to it as it is being surrounded by the authorities in order to protect the tree from other damages. You can see the peak of the tree even from the middle of the spring season. This is how magnificent it is.

Isn't it amazing to be able to have things that belong to the past but they still look their best? Abarkoh cedar is one of them. Let us read further to know more about this great Abarkoh cedar and know the reason behind its importance. 


The Exact Location of the Abarkoh Cedar


The Abarkoh cedar as we mentioned earlier is located in the beautiful city of Yazd, to be more precise is it located in the central desert. Between the great cities of Iran such as Isfahan and Shiraz, you will be able to find a golden tourism triangle of Iran, which is known to be a great tourist attraction. 

People are amazed more by the age of the tree once they get to know it. You should know that the age of the tree is quite visible at first glance but to know the exact age we have to say that it was mentioned in 740 AH by Hamadullah Mostofi.

According to Russian scientists they estimated the age of the tree to be something around 4000 to 4500 years old. However, you should be aware that the Abarkoh cedar is known to be one of the oldest living plans in the world that have grabbed the attention of the world to it undoubtedly. 

The fame and importance of the Abarkoh cedar are so much that even Marco Polo mentioned the Abarkoh cedar in his book as one of the wonders of the world. So now we know how great the tree is. Buckle up and pay a visit to Abarkoh Cedar and see this beauty from close.


Some Specifications of Abarkoh Cedar


Getting back to its specifications we have to say that the diameter of the Abarkoh cedar trunk is about 4.5 meters and it has 11.5 meters circumference, whereas its branches have a diameter of about 1.85 meters and the entire height of the Abarkoh cedar is about 28 meters.

Abarkoh cedar holds great value for all, especially for the tourists and this is why it is being well maintained and preserved for the next generations as well. It is a fact that old trees unfortunately face a lot of damage that too happens naturally as they age. 

This is why protecting the trees and handing them to the next generation is a very important step. So if you are lucky enough to visit Yazd and see this great Abarkoh cedar, then it would be great if you could be careful and not destroy anything there. 

We should also keep in mind the role of the cedar in our life. As we know according to the Zoroastrian culture, Abarkoh cedar has always been a great symbol and had importance in Iran as it is evergreen and symbolizes birth and life.

Today Abarkoh cedar is considered to be a green jewel which the world knows about. It is even being used in arts and crafts, this is how great Abarkoh cedar is. 


The Route to Abarkoh Cedar

As the tree is located in the heart of Yazd you should know the route to it as well. Taking the highway of Yazd- Shiraz you need to take a Taft taxi then and go to Islamiyah and then Dehshir. You will finally reach Abarkoh Cedar in Yazd in the Southwestern part of the province.


 The Values of the Abarkoh Cedar


You should know that since the Abarkoh cedar is a symbol of life it also holds great value as a sign of history in Iran.

Looking at this tree you will be able to understand that years of history, tradition and existence are hidden in it and today after 4000 years that we still have this great tree standing tall and telling our story to the world how proud we are.

It is also proof of how short human life is as compared to the life of nature. Don't you agree?

There are many such amazing sites in Iran, many such great and important assets, and monuments as well that hold great value for us and the world is aware of them. Some of them are even registered under the list of national monuments and UNICEF. 

Keep in mind that there are many legends regarding the Abarkoh cedar to date as well. Some believe that the Abarkoh cedar was planted by the Zoroastrians, whereas some believe it was planted by the son of Noah.

Another group of people believe that the Abarkoh cedar was planted by none except the Ras companies. It is also interesting to hear from the locals about the history and the tales regarding this great cedar.

So if you desire to travel and see such amazing things in Iran as well as great historical sites and monuments, then you need to travel here and make the best memories ever. 

Go ahead and look up the official website of and you will find great sites that you never even knew existed in Iran worth traveling to and arrange your next trip here. 

Life is too short to sit back and just pass the time. Visit Iran and you will see every city; every monument has a history to tell.