Abyaneh and All the Great Things About It Are Worth Knowing


Abyaneh and All the Great Things About It Are Worth Knowing



Abyaneh is known to be a gorgeous historic place located in the heart of Natanz in the historical city of Isfahan. The site is known to be a great place that holds many historical as well as cultural importance as a result of which there are many tourists visiting the site annually.

There is a beautiful nested alley that is combined with historical monuments as well as the inlaid doors and finally the geometric windows. It is a beautiful scenic place that you should visit at least once in your life. 

Natives here are busy with the hard work of agriculture, horticulture as well as animal husbandry. When it comes to economic affairs you should know that women have their importance as well as they work hard equally. 

Let us read more details about this historical site to understand the reason behind its importance in everyone's lives. 


Abyaneh The Historical Beauty


Do you know that the actual height of the Abyaneh is around 2,222 meters above sea level and it has a considerably cold and moderate climate in general?

The village itself has a great texture and the materials that are used are affected due to the shapes of the textures here. There is a beautiful formation of the terraced village here that has amazed everyone with its look. The structures along with the openings in Abyaneh are amazingly built in such a way that they face the valley. 

You should also know that the roads of Abyaneh are placed in a line along with the ground level whereas its secondary roads are designed well with slopes of the land. 

The site that we are talking about has three neighborhoods namely the Pol and the Yasmon, the Baladeh and the Hardeh which are all located in the eastern part of the Deh. Do not be surprised to see some of the natives wearing their traditional beautiful dresses in Abyaneh.

Women in Abyaneh wear a long shirt along with a floral beautiful scarf whereas men in this region wear wide long pants that are made with great material fabrics. Their traditional dresses add more to the beauty of Abyaneh don't you agree? 



Architecture of Abyaneh


The architecture in this region is really out of the world. The houses in Abyaneh are built on the slopes right in the northern part of the Borzroud River. The rooms of the houses are as attractive and interesting as the homes themselves.

They have wooden sash windows and some of them do have wooden verandas as well as Taramis that make the houses in Abyaneh spectacular. The beauty of the houses, as well as the village itself, is something you will never get tired of. You will feel it only once you are there physically as words are not enough to explain how great the site is. 

You will see all the houses are spiral and they are traditional and old. You can trace the houses to be from the Safavid era. The alleys in this case are designed in such a way that they break the power of the wind and are crooked but have no dead ends. 

Some of the houses in this area come from the Safavid era and you will see that four-row houses are much more common in them. 

When you are in Abyaneh make sure you visit the fire temple there that is considered to be one of the oldest artworks of the village and is a clear example of a Zoroastrian temple that we still have to date.

The name of the temple is Harpak which means under and pak in this case means step in the local language. Let us read about other sites worth visiting when you are in Abyaneh village. 


The Sights Worth Visiting in Abyaneh


We desire to see everything about the place that we are visiting to make our trip a memorable one. So it is a good idea to know what are the other places that are worth visiting in Abyaneh. 

You should visit the Hinza shrine for sure. It is a great place that you must see in Abyaneh. It is known to be the place of the burial of Bibi Zubaydah who was the daughter of Imam Musa bin Jafar.  You will find the shrine located right in the southeastern part of the Abyaneh. 

The Abyaneh mosque is the second most important place that you should visit. The wooden mihrabs of the mosques were constructed around 477 AH and its ceiling look very interesting and eye-catching. 


The Parzale Mosque


The second most beautiful mosque in the Abyaneh is the Parzale mosque which is an attraction worth visiting. It is a historical sight that is with us since the Iikhani period. It is a beautiful two-story mosque which has the oldest door in the entire village and is as old as the Shah Ismail Safavi. Sounds interesting isn't it? 


The Anthropology Museum


A museum is what everyone visits no matter where you go. The museums active since 2004 to date. Apart from the Quran manuscripts you can find other things as well such as agricultural tools or traditional clothes as well as cooking utensils. The museum is a mirror that reflects the history of the sight that you have visited. 


The Abyaneh Castle 


Last but not least pay a visit to the Abyaneh castle as well which was used as protection for the Abyaneh people against the rebels in history. The name of the castle is Pal Hone Castle or better said the Takht Haman that you can find in the Southwestern part of Abyaneh. 

There are so many amazing things as well as sights to visit in Abyaneh. You will not get tired of its beautiful streets, historical red buildings and of course the friendly people living there with their attractive local traditional dresses. 

You can find more such interesting and historic sites in Iran that have a history to tell about who we are and from where did we come. For some help and further details visit the official website of Lootke.com and you can find many great places worth visiting in Iran.