BaconFest in Pennsylvania USA

Whether with beans, on a roll, on a burger, in gravy, with fries, plum rolls or shrimp... there is no such thing as too much bacon. The Pennsylvania Bacon Festival is a chance for US-based bacon lovers to make their way through all things streaky, smoked and cured in the name of getting into the spirit.
Over one weekend (November 5 and 6), BaconFest brings together a pork-filled schedule of bacon-loving events to entertain piggies as well as adults.
For anyone with a sense of style, there's a bacon costume contest (I'll definitely make it a pig's ear - hahaha), then a pig (yurt) contest, and for those who love booze, there's even a bacon cocktail. Class (I have nothing).
What makes BaconFest so much better is that it serves a good cause. To support local independent farms and bring farm fresh food to the table.