The Tomb of Sheikh Safiuddin Ardabili

The Tomb of Sheikh SafiUddin Ardabili

As a great site worth visiting, the tomb of Sheikh Safi Uddin Ardebili is another beauty that you should visit once in your lifetime and get amazed and surprised by the way it looks. You may think, how can a tomb be attractive? Then you need to see the pictures of the tomb of Sheikh Safi Uddin Ardebili, and you will get the answer to your question in no time.
The tomb is so great and important that it was registered in UNESCO's World Heritage Site list in the year 2010. It is not the only site that belongs to Iran and is registered under the list of UNESCO as there are many such fascinating sites as well.
The tomb is made with the use of great Iranian architecture. It has also utilized enough space and has many types of sections that are present and are open to all, such as the reservoir, library, bakery, kitchen, mosque, school, and last but not least, many office buildings. Can you imagine the size of the area now?
We should add that among all these, we mentioned the shrine of Sheikh Safi Uddin Ardebili is the biggest and is known to be a prominent home on its own.
On the other hand, the tomb has a significant role and importance when it comes to artistic and architectural masterpieces. It quickly displays a heavenly mystical look worldwide.
It sounds be a very interesting tomb. So let us read further to find more about this historical yet a worth-mentioning and knowing site.

The Tomb of the Sheikh Safi Uddin Ardebili

The tomb has a lot of unique features apart from its grand architecture and design that have amazed the world.
On the other hand, the feature worth mentioning is the combination of the beautiful artwork, architecture, and the use of fine mosaics in the process of its making. Not to forget the tremendous and exquisite inscriptions of the Safavid era.
The tomb complex has been completed over many years and has been eventually added to the tomb and making the site even bigger and more attractive.
Shah Abbas was very much committed to Sheikh Safi Uddin Ardebili as well and did a lot to complete the complex and decorate it finely with his masterpieces.
A great and well-known master from the Safavid era decorated the tomb, and to date, it is considered to be a historical masterpiece.
Sheikh Safi Uddin Ardebili made a will stating that he desires his body to be buried in the room right next to the vault, along with the garden and the basin.
According to the findings of the researchers, there are four main stages when it comes to the construction of the tomb. The four important stages are mentioned below such as:
The initial stage started from 1300 to 1349 AD. During this time, the actual and original design of the mosque was set up, and then the new house and the middle courtyard were built.
The second phase started from 1349 to 1544 AD. At this time, the tomb of Sheikh Ismael, along with his mother's tomb, was built. The buildings that we are talking about belong to the sixteenth century.


The third stage started following the second one in the year 1544 to 1752. It is quite a long time compared to the initial two stages. In this time period, the Chinese house, along with the Shah Abbasi gate and finally the courtyard, were constructed.
And the fourth and final stage starts from 1752 right up to the twentieth century.
Main things such as schools, sanitary facilities, greenhouses, and even motor homes were constructed. These buildings still retain their primary role and are the place for worship as well as pilgrimage.

In case you are thinking of visiting Iran and seeing all its excellent historical sites, such as the tomb of Sheikh Safi Uddin Ardebili and such magnificent places, then you can even visit the official website of and see all that you need to know about Iran and its significant sites.
When you visit the sites in its northern part, you will be able to see the actual courtyard that has ivory near it which is a considerable sash made of wood.
On its northern side, you will see the porch, which clearly shows that the king was located in some other enclosure that opened and had a way to the dome-shaped building, which was known as Genetra.
To date, there is no detailed information regarding the structure of the building and the applications that it has. Based on some suggestions, the building was initially the site for the Semah Darvishan before the domes were created here.Those who have visited the tomb of Sheikh Safi Uddin Ardabili know that the place is huge and every inch of it is worth seeing and visiting. The mosaic arts, the architecture behind the construction of the tomb, and the calligraphic inscriptions that are scripted on the walls are magnificent.
The site has a unique prayer room that is decorated well with eye-catching colors such as gold, red, and blue, and these are surrounded even better by niches that contain the tomb of Sheikh Safi Uddin Ardabili.
Some have even spoken about the Porcelain room and stated that the room is enormous and has a cross shape along with its eye-catching stuccos. You see, every inch of the tomb is worth noticing and knowing for.
When looking back to the Safavid era, we are very proud of all that they have left us. It is nothing but a pure magnificent and glorious masterpiece and complex that today we can call our heritage and history. History is rich with historical sites and monuments, such as the tomb of Sheik Safi Uddin Ardabili and many such sites.
What do you think about this historical site? Isn't it worth it to visit the place and see all this beauty with your eyes from close? It sure is an excellent experience.