Golden Eagle Festival, Mongolia


Golden Eagle Festival is a must-see event in Asia, particularly in Mongolia. It is a festival to demonstrate the culture of the Kazakhs to the world and promotes their heritage to their next generations.

The Golden Eagle Festival is an essential event in Asia, especially in Mongolia. This festival is to show the Cossack culture to the world and to promote their heritage to the next generations.

What is the Golden Eagle Festival in Mongolia?
Golden Eagle Festival is a must-see event in Asia, particularly in Mongolia. It is a festival to demonstrate the culture of the Kazakhs to the world and promotes their heritage to their next generations. The main festival held in October is organized by the Mongolian Eagle Hunters' Association.

What happens at Mongolia's biggest festival?
Naadam is a national festival celebrated every year from 11 to 13 July across Mongolia that focuses on three traditional games: horseracing, wrestling and archery. Mongolian Naadam is inseparably connected to the nomadic civilization of the Mongols, who have long practiced pastoralism on Central Asia's vast steppe.
What to see at the Golden Eagle Festival?
They celebrate the Eagle Festival for two days. It begins with an opening parade of 70 to 80 well-dressed eagle hunters mounted on horseback and holding their eagles on their right arms. Many eagle hunters travel long distances with their eagles on horseback.
Eagle hunters compete for two days based on the following criteria.
The link between the eagle and the hunter
  • Eagle hunters outfit
  • Horse ornaments of eagle hunters
  • You can also see archery
  • Check the eagle's agility and ability to catch the prey stuffed by the horses.
  • Eagles released from the top of the hill must recognize the voice of their trainers and sit on his arm.
  • Camel racing or horse racing
  • Catching coins on horseback
  • Kyz Kuar-Women Chasing game
  • Kickbar - Tug of war is played on a horse with a goat skin
  • Cossacks concert